Raheem Sterling - Done - See main forum

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I'd like to see this journalists articles when his beloved Liverpool were raiding clubs like Southampton, literally asset stripping their nearest league rival.
Will he be writing a similar article for Nathaniel Clyne, and how he should be loyal to Southampton, not go to Liverpool and bla de bla...

Hypocritical bastard.
That article is so shite. ''He is a 20-year-old who is turning down £100,000-a-week to play football for a famous club that has won 18 titles and five European Cups"

That is history. It may be glorious, but it is history. At the moment, Pool is a mid-table team, with no CL football, and a weak player investment policy.

The ultimate question every 20 year-old player asks is am I likely to succeed and win trophies here?

Currently and most likely in the future the answer is NO.

We offer better prospects and chances.

So, why shouldn't Sterling take the option of playing CL football, competing for the Pl, playing alongside world-class players and earning more?

Spot on.

Your doing your job, ppl there don't like you as you have ambitions, you want to better yourself.

Another company comes along offers you a contract that fullfills your ambitions, better facilities, better atmosphere, wanted and welcomed by all within this company plus tripling your wages, and the promise of silver wear and glory !!

Need we say more?
Oh Liverpool, do shut the fuck up and show some class, You're getting 50m for him.
The only thing that's Tawdry is the way Liverpool are dealing with this Business deal
Spot on.

Your doing your job, ppl there don't like you as you have ambitions, you want to better yourself.

Another company comes along offers you a contract that fullfills your ambitions, better facilities, better atmosphere, wanted and welcomed by all within this company plus tripling your wages, and the promise of silver wear and glory !!

Need we say more?

anyone got the candle gif? ;-)
Evil Kagawa ‏@evilkagawa

How Sterling worth £50m?? Career Goals scored: 18 Side netting hit: 1 Son-of-woman have more kids than goals!

Haha,very good....
The best part is when he says "Sterling has done nothing, won nothing". So he's mocking him for his trophy count yet maintaining he shouldn't be leaving the club he's not winning trophies with.
Who exactly does Sterling think he is? Perhaps he has started to believe his own hype. Sure, he is a top young talent whose pace and trickery make him a menace to any defence. He is rightly seen as a key man for Liverpool and England. But so far he has done next to nothing. Won nothing. His club had a mediocre season. His country flopped at the World Cup with him in the team.

What a bag of shite.Won nothing !! He certainly wont at Scouseland and ask the Manager why they only had a mediocre season,he was the fucking reason why.Rogers bought shit mediocre players to help fill the void left by Suarez.Start putting the blame on Rogers you thick twunt.
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