Rate my takeaway

Made me proper homesick watching that....
The US has so many shite eateries and chains and very, very few chippies.
There is a mobile one in Tampa Bay that goes to a different venue (a local British shop or certain pubs) each day but they dont do cheese and onion pies so not going just for chips
Holy Shit, you’ve got to be kidding me, you’re saying England has better eateries than the US? Kin ell mate, you need to travel around a bit
Mint sauce at a chippy?
I used to go to Nottingham a lot a few years ago and in the market hall there were several cafes who just sold bowls of mushy peas and people put mint sauce on them,perhaps that’s the reason this chippy had mint sauce.
Holy Shit, you’ve got to be kidding me, you’re saying England has better eateries than the US? Kin ell mate, you need to travel around a bit
I'm not talkng restaurants but takeaways. On days when I just crave a cheese pie, chips and curry sauce, the options are McD's, Burger King, Taco Bell and KFC..... Give me a chippy!
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An heart attack waiting to happen. Come on down @Magicpole, your estranged English brother 'lard arse Larry' is waiting. I think you'll have to pig wrestle him just to wrestle a few scraps mate; )
I'm appalled and dismayed you could even think I was of that Ilk. My "perfectly formed, non lard arse" won't be meeting up with him anytime soon. Thank you very much. You will be hearing from my lawyers you cheeky ****. Lard arse? Never heard the like. :)

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