
Silvercloud said:
I work in Town and over the last 5 or 6 weeks they've been getting worse. Must be something to do with the warm weather as there seems to be loads more of them than this time last year.

Big buggers some of them too!

It'll be the heat making the food go of quicker so they'll be more rubish for the bleeders to eat.
I know a lad who goes ratting with a .22 rifle. I pmsl when he told me and told him he was bullshitting.

He swore blind he had seen:

One rat pulling another one along by its tail while the other one held on to a big piece of food it couldn't carry on its own.

A platoon of rats forming a chain while the one at the bottom ran up the rest to get onto something.

If they've reached that level of complex thinking we're fooked!
Newlunar said:
I know a lad who goes ratting with a .22 rifle. I pmsl when he told me and told him he was bullshitting.

He swore blind he had seen:

One rat pulling another one along by its tail while the other one held on to a big piece of food it couldn't carry on its own.

A platoon of rats forming a chain while the one at the bottom ran up the rest to get onto something

If they've reached that level of complex thinking we're fooked!
117 M34 said:
Gaudino said:
Seen a lot around Chinatown over the years.....all that food left in bags and boxes makes for good eating for them. Most are timid and will run when spotted, but some are lairy buggers and had one stand his ground to me one evening. Just stared at me and didn't move an inch.....feckin unsettling that was.

did you stand or run?

Ran squealing like a little girl....lol.

Seriously though, did just leave it be and walked away, unsettling part was it stood watching me all the way. Gave me shivers, and thoughts of James Herbert's classic horror trilogy The Rats came flooding back. : 0
fucking great keeper. i'm sure he'd have been sent off if he'd done what schumacher did. france deserved to win the world cup that year if you ask me. i'll get my parker.

oops my mistake i was thinking of joel bats. anyway, vasily rats was a great player in mexico '86 for the USSR but i've kind of fucked it now haven't i? lager does play tricks with my mind. does it you?
The sewer rats can grow to some size, they are very intelligent and social

The thing about the brown rat population is that it is at an artificial level, no real predators and an abundance of easy food, I beleive in their native natural habitat (they came from Asia I beleive) they were not very common. They have adapted to living in the towns and cities.

The British native rat is the black rat which is now very rare
Ducado said:
The sewer rats can grow to some size, they are very intelligent and social

The thing about the brown rat population is that it is at an artificial level, no real predators and an abundance of easy food, I beleive in their native natural habitat (they came from Asia I beleive) they were not very common. They have adapted to living in the towns and cities.

The British native rat is the black rat which is now very rare

Is it true that sewer rats smoke big brow cigars and play cards?
when I was a young lad we used to hang out in our cars outside a Macdonalds, when it got late the rats came out

Super sized MF's

Taste mighty fine with chillis and noodles though - think that was field rat though
Gaudino said:
117 M34 said:
did you stand or run?

Ran squealing like a little girl....lol.

Seriously though, did just leave it be and walked away, unsettling part was it stood watching me all the way. Gave me shivers, and thoughts of James Herbert's classic horror trilogy The Rats came flooding back. : 0

James Herbert's books are brilliant. The Rats is so graphic!

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