
bagsy67 said:
I've had them under my floor boards for the last couple of years in my ground floor flat, they're bloody noisy and keep me awake at night. The council came around and put some poison down, which killed them but when they came back to retrieve the carcasses they couldn't find them so my flat stank of rotting rats and was full of massive bluebottle flies (which buzz around like miniature Lancaster bombers) for 3 weeks. Think i'll move out soon!!

Fuck me, I'd av moved out of that flat as quick as a r*t up a drainpipe!<br /><br />-- Sun Jul 04, 2010 4:30 pm --<br /><br />Used to go fishing on the canal when I was a lad, right near Eaastlands near gas works! We used to see some real big fuckers there. Saw a dead one once floating in the water without a head, I swear it must av been 2 foot long and then another foot for its tail (probably swollen up by all the water). We had a few that would just walk out of the bushes and then jump in the water, they are amazing swimmers so fast under the water.

I read once that they can eat through concrete and their front teeth could grow so long it would go through their heads.

They are scary fuckers!
Had one trapped in our bathroom on holiday last week. Nearly chewed it's way out. It was hiding under the shower tray, it tried to escape down the drain but we killed it in the end<br /><br />-- Sun Jul 04, 2010 3:37 pm --<br /><br />Did it look like this?

rats are killers make sure you wash your hands if you are working or doing anything else where rats may have been,leptospirosis is what you get and WILL kill if not diognosed straight away,if you are lucky you will get away with kidney failer,a mad case was a girl (i think in london) contracted the desease from drinking from a contaminated bottle of beer that was stored in a cellar and a rat with the desease pissed on it..mad as fook but true,,,do loads of site inductions and this desease is always mentioned, mainly on sewage sites or sites near water but beware..........
An ex-squaddie I worked with told me about one of the camps he had been based in was overrun by the vermin until they caught two of them,fed one and starved the other for a while and then put them both in the one box.
The hungry one eat the fat one, so was then released and after getting the taste for cannibalism set about the rest of the rats and eased the problem.

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