Reading Challenge 2024

Just finished King of Ashes by Raymond Feist. 1st in a three book series and such an easy good read. Not his best, but still really enjoyable and just wish i had more time to read when i start a series like this.
What would you say is his best?
Magician and the Riftwar series. For me as good as it gets in terms of fantasy.
Agreed, on the first part of the comment, at least.

Magician an it's original trilogy is an excellent series of books and certainly the best of its time.

However, I think the books written by Joe Abercrombie and Scott Lynch have really raised the bar in terms of how good fantasy really can be.
Agreed, on the first part of the comment, at least.

Magician an it's original trilogy is an excellent series of books and certainly the best of its time.

However, I think the books written by Joe Abercrombie and Scott Lynch have really raised the bar in terms of how good fantasy really can be.
Cheers, will give them a look.

Never sure when reading a series of book if i should just crack on with the next one or read something new and go back to it. Few things on my list i want to read and off to Portugal next week and got 'Year of the Locust' lined up which i've been looking forward to for ages.
Agreed, on the first part of the comment, at least.

Magician an it's original trilogy is an excellent series of books and certainly the best of its time.

However, I think the books written by Joe Abercrombie and Scott Lynch have really raised the bar in terms of how good fantasy really can be.
Cheers both - will give Riftwar a try. I've read JA's stuff and fully agree.
I would treat Feist towards the more starter end of fantasy. Good if you haven't read much in the genre previously but fairly generic otherwise. Particularly the further you get into the series as a certain sameness sets in. Having also read Faerie Tale by him I wish he'd write other books away from the Midkemia/Kelewan series.
The Lies of Locke Lamora (Scott Lynch) is up there as one of the best books I've read, following @RobMCFC's recommendation. I also read the first of Joe Abercrombie's Rivers of London series, but although it was well written, I didn't feel the need to go back for more. I don't do Fantasy too often, but I suppose I prefer fantasy fiction to be set in other worlds, like Middle Earth.

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