Really Winds me up

Didsbury Dave said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
I love it when people say this sort of thing to me, as it affords me the opportunity to impose the force of my personality upon them.

They usually wave the white flag after five or so minutes.

I would love someone to accuse me of being a Glory Hunter. Love it.

i'd get medieval on their arse.

When picking up tickets from the ticket office for Norwich I was called a Johnny Come Lately by a lad who couldn't get his seat for the Barcelona game, "you've ony got yours because you know somebody atthe club!!". Cheeky git was only about 30 and and got all upset when I told him I had older season ticket books than he was.
i put them straight and let them know i was there when Robinho made his debut, they soon shut up

Fuck em

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