I don't buy into a lot of the criticism that you see on here re Munich and people who seem to revel in accusing them of milking it. I think a lot of those criticisms are far too vitriolic and motivated not by a balanced, fair minded critique but, too often, a point scoring, need to 'get one over' on a footballing entity that they don't like.
However, I will say that in this case it isn't the most appropriate for such a publication to be putting this message out. Don't get me wrong, I agree with the sentiment. But for a publication that is associated with a club that receives criticism (justified or not) for a similar - but not identical phenomenon - reason to be the tome that is sending this message is either very brave (if they have addressed the theme to goings on at their club in the same article) or betrays a complete lack of self awareness.
Then again, perhaps you could paint it as the opinion of an individual. I see lots of stuff that I consider bollocks on here portrayed as the "view of City" fans and I don't feel compelled to change my views or comments based on that. Then again, I am not writing a publication that sets itself up as representative of the fans. So for that reason alone I'm viewing this as a fair message but, unless the article is actually addressing the whole of football, society and specifically the same allegations made towards United it is surely an idiotic move from people with no self awareness.
Fair play though, if the article does take on these points.