Ref for Swansea

I don't want to get all tin foil hat here, but that was another bizarre performance by another referee to add to the collection of bizarre referee performances we have seen this season

I hope someone at the club is collecting evidence

All I want to see is the rules applied evenly and for referees to stop giving the advantage to the visiting team
MCC said:
Piss poor today. Constantly stopping the game for far too long. Get on with it man.

Why he needs the captains half way through the first half I do not know. He has whistle, red and yellow cards! Apply the fuckin' Laws of the Game impartially and there's no problem.

Listening to R Manc on the way back and some Rochdale fan came on and said he was appalled by the standard of refereeing. He said he was a ref and a refs' assessor. He seemed to have stopped watching the match today and followed what the ref was doing, even making notes of his performance! Shit poor by all accounts and left the supporter-ref mystified on several occasions. Seems like it was one of the cnuts that Uefa send over for our matches at The Etihad.
Another inept refereeing display. Is if any wonder the more paranoid amongst our brethren cry foul?
Uber Blue said:
waspish said:
I turn up now expecting the referees to be shite..

I agree. What's strange is I honestly can't remember the standard ever being as bad as this, and it's not a case of looking through rose tinted glasses either. How many times can you remember a ref having a really good game, whether we're playing or not?

As for the standard in the Champion's League, it's a total fucking joke. It's probably the main reason why I'm yet to get excited during a home game. I sit in my seat just waiting for the melodramatic fucker wearing black to book one of our players for having the audacity to make a challenge.

Villa away the referee had good game hardly noticed him and maybe one last season
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
MCC said:
Piss poor today. Constantly stopping the game for far too long. Get on with it man.

Why he needs the captains half way through the first half I do not know. He has whistle, red and yellow cards! Apply the fuckin' Laws of the Game impartially and there's no problem.

Listening to R Manc on the way back and some Rochdale fan came on and said he was appalled by the standard of refereeing. He said he was a ref and a refs' assessorHe seemed to have stopped watching the match today and followed what the ref was doing, even making notes of his performance! Shit poor by all accounts and left the supporter-ref mystified on several occasions. Seems like it was one of the cnuts that Uefa send over for our matches at The Etihad.

He was at the Rochdale game v Doncaster and he was talking about the ref in that game, not city.

The ref for our game was piss poor though.
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
Why he needs the captains half way through the first half I do not know. He has whistle, red and yellow cards! Apply the fuckin' Laws of the Game impartially and there's no problem.

I said to my mate half an hour in, that I couldn't believe the ref was in danger of losing control of a game which had absolutely no needle in it at all for the first 20 minutes!

His inability/reluctance (whatever you want to call it), to deal with issues as they were occurring, meant that the players began to take matters into their own hands, in the absence of any application of the laws by the ref.

Very, very poor standard today; scandalous that he's getting over £100k per year for that level of ability!
Uber Blue said:
waspish said:
I turn up now expecting the referees to be shite..

I agree. What's strange is I honestly can't remember the standard ever being as bad as this, and it's not a case of looking through rose tinted glasses either. How many times can you remember a ref having a really good game, whether we're playing or not?

As for the standard in the Champion's League, it's a total fucking joke. It's probably the main reason why I'm yet to get excited during a home game. I sit in my seat just waiting for the melodramatic fucker wearing black to book one of our players for having the audacity to make a challenge.

there is a difference between poor and bent. CL refs are bent as fuck. nobody could be that "poor" and still get a game.

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