Ref Watch

yet again, watched an immaculate performance of refereeing France vs Scotland six nations on Sunday. Sent two players off and his rationale and discussion with TMO logical and clear because its all miked up. He had some huge calls to make but zero controversy.
It isn't, that he's miked up, it's because players do not, would not tell the ref to fuck off. Rugby players of both codes respect the referee and will be punished if they showed dissent. In contrast we have, in full view of a TV audience, a dipper telling the ref to fuck off. He wasn't punished during the game nor after. What chance do refs have to show authority?
It isn't, that he's miked up, it's because players do not, would not tell the ref to fuck off. Rugby players of both codes respect the referee and will be punished if they showed dissent. In contrast we have, in full view of a TV audience, a dipper telling the ref to fuck off. He wasn't punished during the game nor after. What chance do refs have to show authority?
Different things mate. Yes I agree about the difference that you mention but this was a sending off that I can guarantee 80% of those that were watching either didn't see the offence or didn't understand why it was so dangerous or the mitigation factors the referee had to take account of to decide yellow or red. The TMO showed the offences from every angle whilst the referee described exactly what he was seeing, discounted the mitigations one by one, summarised his verdict to the TMO official and then sent the guy off. Now whilst you might argue that if that were repeated in football it would slow the game down a little, bloody hell there is no hiding place for incompetence or bias. I thought it was quite brilliant.

Back to your point, football referees have the powers to stop dissent whenever they want. They choose not to.
It isn't, that he's miked up, it's because players do not, would not tell the ref to fuck off. Rugby players of both codes respect the referee and will be punished if they showed dissent. In contrast we have, in full view of a TV audience, a dipper telling the ref to fuck off. He wasn't punished during the game nor after. What chance do refs have to show authority?
The trouble with the governance and officiating of football is that you can tell the ref to go and fuck his great aunt and there wouldn't be any sanction, but if you were to suggest that, after the most blatant pen of the season hadn't been awarded , he was entering 'cheat' mode there are some refs who would rip off their pocket in their haste to show strong reffing with a red card. It's risible, And every attempt to drag the foul mouthed back into line the project is doomed to a two matchday life as the authorities won't back up the ref when he's delivered what they have asked for.
Hope the club have asked for an explanation for the Arsenal penalty v us when last weekend, 2 identical incidents resulted in no penalties, like all the other similar incidents before our Arsenal game. One of the games was Taylor who somehow decided it was a penalty v us but the same incident last weekend, he did not give anything. This is where we need to be asking questions and putting pressure on
Waffle waffle .... Letter of the law .... Blah blah blah ..... Subjective ...... BS BS BS ..... Not enough to overturn ...... And if all that fails ..... wasn't a mistake but it won't be given as a penalty in the future. And it wasn't. Twice.

Hope that helps.
Waffle waffle .... Letter of the law .... Blah blah blah ..... Subjective ...... BS BS BS ..... Not enough to overturn ...... And if all that fails ..... wasn't a mistake but it won't be given as a penalty in the future. And it wasn't. Twice.

Hope that helps.
their get out of jail free card is the much used 'wasn't a clear and obvious error'. Reusable whenever needed. Fits every circumstance.

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