Ref Watch

100% pen/red and the one for mitrovic,but how many fouls committed by rag players didn’t get punished especially the kick out by antony,anyone who thinks its all even and fair for every team is deluded..
One of the pundits just said ‘clear red, you simply can’t put your hands on the officials’ which is a valid point. So why doesn’t it apply to Bruno Fernandes?
100% pen/red and the one for mitrovic,but how many fouls committed by rag players didn’t get punished especially the kick out by antony,anyone who thinks its all even and fair for every team is deluded..
The constant stream of unpunished fouls by the Rag's are what caused Fulham to implode, the final straw being the sending off for 'deliberate' handball when it was anything but deliberate.
Every week there is new evidence of how the Rags are refereed differently to everyone else.

And I am not talking about the Willian red/penalty, which was the correct call.

I am talking about pretty much everything else that happened in that Fulham QF.
I know a rag who simply laughs when given another pen at old Trafford. Similarly, any pen given to the opposition must be 100% correct or you won’t get it. It’s like scholes can’t tackle laugh. We all know it happens and it’s is openly accepted. “You won’t get that at old Trafford”.

Only when you compete against this shower of shit do you actually see it for what it is…competition distortion. It’s pandemic and not one journalist is interested nor the authorities who govern the game. The influence might not be enough to win them every game but it keeps them in the mix. Active interference.
The constant stream of unpunished fouls by the Rag's are what caused Fulham to implode, the final straw being the sending off for 'deliberate' handball when it was anything but deliberate.
Yeah tend to agree,still a sending off unfortunately as he has stopped a certain goal,but absolutely spot on for the reason why Fulham imploded,and how other teams also get frustrated as they are reffed exactly like Fulham were today..
Exactly,its stinks too fuck ..

even after a so-called review, the panel said no punishment for Bruno Fernandes, CHEATING and I feel for fulham fans
Yeah tend to agree,still a sending off unfortunately as he has stopped a certain goal,but absolutely spot on for the reason why Fulham imploded,and how other teams also get frustrated as they are reffed exactly like Fulham were today..

this is the rub,

other teams also get frustrated as they are reffed exactly like Fulham were today

its all planned to a fucking tee ? the officials know how to control a game that is not going the way of united or Liverpool, you can only take so much shit before enough is enough
The Spuds defender (Sarr, who hadn't been on the pitch that long) was attempting to clear a bouncing ball and missed as the Saints attacker got there first. He may or may not have caught him but referee decided he had. VAR didn't overturn as there wasn't conclusive proof that he hadn't.
Yes I am aware of that but how that could ever be given as a penalty I don't know. Sarr did nothing wrong. If it is accepted he did, the game is finished.
WHY can nobody come out and call it out by the officials and cheating, what is the worst thing that can happen, losing your media job or the free tickets to the big games ? ex-players have made a good living out of the game and don't really need the money for a couple of hours of work a week in the media,

Believe me, it's bent right across the board and United and Liverpool will never change until somebody stands up and says enough of this shit and starts to name names,

it's not even hard to see what is happening in games like today, united was never in the game and fulham battled with the referee and VAR all game, the referee let united kick fuck out of fulham and it was coming, but once you make that first mistake it's gone, the referee took control of fulham and handed united the win,

how can anybody not see what was happening ? the united coaches and manager were all over the referee with the review they had a say and the referee did nothing, then the fulham manager says something and the red card is out then the fulham players lost the plot and rightly so, they saw all the united coaches and manager doing the same things to the referee and did nothing

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