Ref Watch

Your last line is precisely what you’re advocating for with this idea, when a team is out of challenges and the referee makes a big mistake.

Yeah, it may happen, but teams shouldn't challenge unless they're pretty sure there's a mistake. This would mean teams would have to go back to generally accepting the refs decisions, but would also allow errors to be fixed (provided teams don't fuck themselves up by wasting the challenges).

Not saying it would be perfect, but we've seen tons of goals disallowed for offsides and handballs where nobody has even appealed. That to me is wrong and messing up the game. It's got to be better than that.
Agree with those saying use VAR as a 'challenge' system instead.

Just give sides one challenge per half, that can be used for any decision they feel is wrong, if after review that were correct they keep the challenge. Get it wrong and it's gone.

Everything is an on field decision, back to how football used to be ran, so no checks other than those brought about specifically by challenges. Stops VAR spending an age looking for decisions when nobody's even appealed in the first place.

Should reduce the checks as anything frivolous would mean you might not be able to get something important referred later on. However it would mean if someone felt a corner decision was 100% wrong, they could have it checked. Daft that some blatant wrong decisions don't get amended currently.
Challenging system is not fair to anyone , if you use it up on a corner or a foul then that is it , it needs the system we have except we need pigmol to pull their fingers out of their arses and make the right decisions and stop the inconsistant , bias performances
Challenging system is not fair to anyone , if you use it up on a corner or a foul then that is it , it needs the system we have except we need pigmol to pull their fingers out of their arses and make the right decisions and stop the inconsistant , bias performances

You'd get to keep a challenge if you used it and were proved right.

It's stupid at the moment because theyll check for incidents that lead to a goal, but not incidents that lead to a corner that leads to a goal, or a free kick that leads to a goal. It's rubbish right now.
You'd get to keep a challenge if you used it and were proved right.

It's stupid at the moment because theyll check for incidents that lead to a goal, but not incidents that lead to a corner that leads to a goal, or a free kick that leads to a goal. It's rubbish right now.

Seriously on this, I feel like I'm right and nobody would be able to convince me otherwise. :)

However, I also know that there's fuck all chance that the powers that be change how var is handled to this extent.

I find it really strange that before implementing the version they've gone for, they didn't try some kind of challenge system in trial matches. That would have been the time to try a few different approaches. Not happening now, we've just got to hope the refs sort themselves out...
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Agree with everything you say, but, let's be honest, we're supposed to get 90 minutes football being played.
The fans are, in effect, being short changed, and have been for years. It doesn't happen in Rugby or Hockey, so why not football? Football fans (myself included) may whinge and moan about it, but nothing is ever done by those in authority. Again, why?
A good few years ago (in the 1970s), I took a stopwatch to Maine Road, against (I think) Middleborough, and stopped and started it like a countdown clock. The results were frightening: 21 minutes actual playing time in the first half, and 23 in the second!
50 years on, and nothing seems to have changed.

I just don't like the idea of .stop-clock because i) changing the rules because referees are unable to manage game time properly according to the lotg is just stupid and unnecessary and ii) the most attractive feature of the game is its continuity. Break it down into timed "plays" and the game changes too much for me.

What about a compromise? A referee's signal for an added-time clock to start running for injuries, substitutions, time wasting. A signal to stop the added time clock when it's over. Play that amount of added time at the end. Completely transparent and doesn't affect the flow of the game. Can used in the added time too. No need for it unless time is being used up excessively. Gives the crowd something to get excited about as well.

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