Ref Watch

Deserve the Taylor treatment. Cunts

We're not scum.

He might be a bent **** but it's better to expose them rather than attack because that will make the cunts up their game and punish the club accordingly.

We're not scum.

He might be a bent **** but it's better to expose them rather than attack because that will make the cunts up their game and punish the club accordingly.

That's fair I suppose. Wouldn't lose any sleep if it happened though. Sick to death of being refereed to differently.
Three of the Premier League board were at one point all United supporters, and one of those was David Gill at one point
Deserve the Taylor treatment. Cunts
As you know, I am consistently one of the most ferocious critics of PL referees, including today.

But even I do not support the sort of behaviour Roma fans directed toward Taylor and his family, for a number of reasons:

1. It is barbaric and absolutely not the way anything is solved. All it does is create more problems.

2. There are very, very few things a person can do that makes them deserving of that sort of treatment and Taylor has never gotten (and will likely never get) near that level.

3. It only acts to put decent people off from wanting to be refs; essentially, it makes it even more unlikely that we get good referees in the future. Who would want to do it if they will just be assaulted or worse by angry fans? It is a real issue at the youth level right now, actually, and various associations are having to come up with creative strategies to get enough refs to officiate matches full stop.

4. Taylor’s family absolutely do not deserve to be assaulted, regardless of what Taylor may or may not have done.

5. With it being so public and widely distributed, it emboldens others to act in that same way in football and beyond, which makes things worse for everyone.

There is no real future if that sort of behaviour is allowed and condoned. The sport—and perhaps outside of it—devolves again in to violent chaos, where families don’t feel safe going to matches.
When is somebody going to stand up to this sheer bias we see with united? Offside goal...yeah we'll change it for the next game. Handball rule? Yep we'll get right on it as soon as fernandes take this penalty... red card? Sorry var was taking their piss break. Dems da breaks Pep.

A couple of seasons back they were lucky to finish top half thanks to an unprecedented rate of penalties given in their favour. I mean, it was laughably obvious. They're known to have bullied officials. They're know to have influenced officials with gifts.

Enough. You may hate City, you may hate our money and our success. But buying success? Yeah, that was the period before we rose to the top. And wouldn't you rather a rival bought a big player rather than an official?

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