Refereeing decisions...

As Gary Neville said, the ref knew it was a penalty and chose not to give it, he knew that he would have to give a penalty and he would have to send off Fellaini, our performance has no excuse but getting an offside decision wrong in the 20th minute is a bit different to an OBVIOUS penalty in the 82nd.
SuperMario's Fireworks. said:
what about evertons disallowed goal?

Was just going to say that.. what about not booking Milner either ??

What about the 6 ft something bosinan who decided in the first five mins that he didnt fancy it today... oh and not giving him a second yellow for a clear dive on the edge of the area...

yeah the ref had it in for us, Mancini was correct to start with a back three and take Glichy (any pace we had) out of the team.. and everyone put at least 100% in.. The team who wanted it more won.. deal with it and move on
inbetween said:


Think you will find he gave the free kick because it came off Osman arm first.
even themselves out..Everton had a good goal dissalowed,a penalty that should have been given that wasn't..Probert should have to answer questions.
the free-kick was not given for Felliani's handball. the whistle had already gone as another Everton player had touched the ball with his finger tips seconds before and on the exact spot the free-kick was given.

what the ref did get wrong was not moving the wall the full 10 yards back - at best they were about 8 yards away.
Tueartsoverhead kick said:
inbetween said:

Think you will find he gave the free kick because it came off Osman arm first.

The replays showed that it never went anywhere near his hand, he gave a free kick then for something that never happened but ignored something that did. I don't buy that.
Fuck off. They had a good goal disallowed and city got the advantage on 50/50s from an admittedly poor referee. Maybe there's no agenda and city just played like shit.

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