
I'm not sure if it was a foul, but Silva was definitely waiting for the challenge.
To be honest, I thought that was one of the few decisions that Mason got right, especially when Silva started rolling back onto the pitch, to waste time.
It's one of those things that irritates when you're losing, but is termed professionalism when you're winning.
Sorry but you are wrong, there were two clear trips, he was not waiting for the foul he was around the back of the defender but outside the box. He did not get it right by any stretch of the imagination...
The reality is, referees are cowards, they hate getting abuse. So when they make a contentious decisions against one of the media's preferred teams, the media all leap on them, show the "mistake" (it's now definitely a mistake as they've lined up enough pundits to say it is) on a loop and bang on about how hard done to the team are. The referee gets a load of shit over it and all the other referees see what happens if they have the audacity to give a decision against that team. Naturally, next time an incident happens involving that team, the referee subconsciously errs on the side of self preservation, if he's not entirely sure then he knows he'll get a lot less abuse if he gives it the way of the media backed team. The clearest example of this Ive ever seen is when Anthony Taylor fucking apologised to Mourinho for booking one of his players for diving. Have you ever heard of that happening before or since?

Then the reverse happens when it's someone like us, who the media won't make a big deal over a bad decision against us, they will probably let the referee off or even claim it's good that the referees are finally clamping down on this sort of thing (only to never see that incident "clamped down" on again for any other team). The referees get away with it and again subconsciously know next time they are involved in a decision involving us that it's ok to penalise us as even if they are wrong they won't come under much fire.

It's just pure cowardice and self preservation and it's the same in all leagues. The media decide who it is ok and not ok to give decisions against and it takes a very strong referee to not be influenced by that.

It's that in a nutshell, BigO! I prefer to call their cowardice just straightforward cheating!
No way was Mason miced up to someone who was watching the match through a TV/monitor yesterday
If he was, do you really think Sagna would have only received a yellow!
I don't know what to think anymore. What kind gear are the using for their radio communication? Can it be eavesdropped on? Just a thought.
The game stinks of coruption and the sooner its all out in the air the better! I'm sure that the horrible Bacon face twat still has an influence over the f.a!
I give it 2 weeks before the refs brand Gabriel Jesus a diving cheat by booking him for simulation. They will have a plan in place for his Premier League arrival.
There's nothing contentious there. Not playing happens. The challenge on KDB didn't warrant more than a yellow from where I was sat (right in front of it). The Silva challenge I wasn't sure of as not seen replay...and even if he was brought down, a ref missing a pen? Well I never... It's unheard of.

I'm just saying it's all been blown out of proportion based on the early red card. I could prob produce a list of 4 or 5 ref mistakes in every Prem game.

I seem to remember us getting a few favourable decisions this season too...
I can't recall the last time I saw a ref refuse to play advantage for an opponent when they had a good goalscoring opportunity, that too after a significant time lag following the foul,

I can't recall the last time I saw a ref not only miss a bad foul but shamelessly turn on the fouled player as he did with Silva.

Not all decisions are clear cut (even the ferna foul would be awarded just a yellow 3 times out-of 10) and refs make mistakes.

What is contentious is when every 50:50 (and even some clearcut ones) go against City (and vice versa United)
So you only post on here for approval? Funny, I post for the debate.
No you don't, because you don't offer any rebuttals or counter arguments.

I suspect you (along with Sinatra, if you are not the same person anyway) post here for the attention / trolling.
The reality is, referees are cowards, they hate getting abuse. So when they make a contentious decisions against one of the media's preferred teams, the media all leap on them, show the "mistake" (it's now definitely a mistake as they've lined up enough pundits to say it is) on a loop and bang on about how hard done to the team are. The referee gets a load of shit over it and all the other referees see what happens if they have the audacity to give a decision against that team. Naturally, next time an incident happens involving that team, the referee subconsciously errs on the side of self preservation, if he's not entirely sure then he knows he'll get a lot less abuse if he gives it the way of the media backed team. The clearest example of this Ive ever seen is when Anthony Taylor fucking apologised to Mourinho for booking one of his players for diving. Have you ever heard of that happening before or since?

Then the reverse happens when it's someone like us, who the media won't make a big deal over a bad decision against us, they will probably let the referee off or even claim it's good that the referees are finally clamping down on this sort of thing (only to never see that incident "clamped down" on again for any other team). The referees get away with it and again subconsciously know next time they are involved in a decision involving us that it's ok to penalise us as even if they are wrong they won't come under much fire.

It's just pure cowardice and self preservation and it's the same in all leagues. The media decide who it is ok and not ok to give decisions against and it takes a very strong referee to not be influenced by that.

I will accept that one.
Mrs Ewing is a Toffee by proxy and it has taken her a while to accept via my daily promptings that the RagDipperArseHaringeyMeedya input, day in and day out, looks for the negative slant on MCFC, but she's finally got there! Same with these refs. Once upon a time it was generally a two hundred mile trip for an official. Nowadays it seems that appointments are made to fit certain 'wished for' outcomes.
I am actually wondering if goal line tech
The reality is, referees are cowards, they hate getting abuse. So when they make a contentious decisions against one of the media's preferred teams, the media all leap on them, show the "mistake" (it's now definitely a mistake as they've lined up enough pundits to say it is) on a loop and bang on about how hard done to the team are. The referee gets a load of shit over it and all the other referees see what happens if they have the audacity to give a decision against that team. Naturally, next time an incident happens involving that team, the referee subconsciously errs on the side of self preservation, if he's not entirely sure then he knows he'll get a lot less abuse if he gives it the way of the media backed team. The clearest example of this Ive ever seen is when Anthony Taylor fucking apologised to Mourinho for booking one of his players for diving. Have you ever heard of that happening before or since?

Then the reverse happens when it's someone like us, who the media won't make a big deal over a bad decision against us, they will probably let the referee off or even claim it's good that the referees are finally clamping down on this sort of thing (only to never see that incident "clamped down" on again for any other team). The referees get away with it and again subconsciously know next time they are involved in a decision involving us that it's ok to penalise us as even if they are wrong they won't come under much fire.

It's just pure cowardice and self preservation and it's the same in all leagues. The media decide who it is ok and not ok to give decisions against and it takes a very strong referee to not be influenced by that.

Spot on mate, spot on.

Which is exactly how and why United got away with such ridiculous refereeing bias in their favour for decades. They went YEARS without anyone getting a red card at the swamp, with only the most ballsy / arrogant of refs being prepared to do it.

And that is why we are SO missing a trick with our "turn the other cheek" media relations strategy. The journalists know we are a soft touch and that they can print what the fuck they like and the refs know they can treat us like shit without any fear of repercussions.

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