Reform UK Party Limited Company

Just had a natter with my Dad on the phone - Labour supporter who went UKIP then refused to discuss Brexit and Politics now going full fash and voting Reform although he has no idea who their candidate is. How the fuck do you deal with that?
You can't bud.

I was taking to my SIL a couple of weeks ago....clever woman, well paid Civil Service job (30+ years) etc and she did the 'it didn't matter who she voted for' line so was going Reform as they were different.

Had a look at the betting in her area and at the time both Labour and Conservative were odds on as they couldn't be split.

20 mins I spoke to her about how her cross could really matter.....waste of my time.

If normal people can get sucked into thinking like that the extreme offshoots will always be around.

There's always talk about FPTP & PR around GE's, thank fuck for FPTP!!!!!
Still struggling to forgive them for the 'coalition' with Cameron - still trying to work out one concession they gained beyond the shit electoral reform referendum.
I look back at that election as a key moment in British politics. Clegg effectively letting the Lib Dem’s become the Tory stooges and turning his back on his election pledges, whilst ushering in an era of austerity.
Some people are so fed up with Tories and Labour they want to vote differently.
The two main parties need to change.
If your fucking stupid enough to be conned by Farage, again, there's no hoping some people.

Every **** wants change, you'd like to think most people wouldn't want something worse but brexit and the rise of the charlatans behind brexit as a political party shits all over that idea.
I don't think it's a particularly controversial thing to say that the current government has definitely edged rightwards in the last decade. I'd also say it's pretty obvious that things in the country have generally got worse for most people in that time (hence why they are about to be obliterated). So, for me, why would you want to vote for someone who basically wants to carry on, if not increase, that trajectory rightwards? If you really want a change in direction. Vote for an actual change in direction.
I don't think it's a particularly controversial thing to say that the current government has definitely edged rightwards in the last decade. I'd also say it's pretty obvious that things in the country have generally got worse for most people in that time (hence why they are about to be obliterated). So, for me, why would you want to vote for someone who basically wants to carry on, if not increase, that trajectory rightwards? If you really want a change in direction. Vote for an actual change in direction.
Because he'll further embolden the racists and grown up children who don't like following the bare minimum social contract to further bend it, and that's what's important.
If your fucking stupid enough to be conned by Farage, again, there's no hoping some people.

Every **** wants change, you'd like to think most people wouldn't want something worse but brexit and the rise of the charlatans behind brexit as a political party shits all over that idea.

Their mantra was to take back control of borders and stop the filthy foreigners coming into the country with brexit. In that time emigration has reached all time record levels, every trade deal we sign with countries comes with the proviso that more Visas are made available for people to come to the U.K. They didn’t really think their racist agenda through in how it would work in practicality.
If your fucking stupid enough to be conned by Farage, again, there's no hoping some people.

Every **** wants change, you'd like to think most people wouldn't want something worse but brexit and the rise of the charlatans behind brexit as a political party shits all over that idea.
The sad thing about this election is no one actually appears to be voting 'for' anything, just against things. The best offer on the table from labour appears to just be that they are not the Tories rather than any actual change which pretty much makes them a protest vote. The other parties certainly are just a protest vote with no real chance of governing.
The sad thing about this election is no one actually appears to be voting 'for' anything, just against things. The best offer on the table from labour appears to just be that they are not the Tories rather than any actual change which pretty much makes them a protest vote. The other parties certainly are just a protest vote with no real chance of governing.
I certainly want the Tories out but I'm voting for Labour on their merits, not as a protest against the Tories
The sad thing about this election is no one actually appears to be voting 'for' anything, just against things. The best offer on the table from labour appears to just be that they are not the Tories rather than any actual change which pretty much makes them a protest vote. The other parties certainly are just a protest vote with no real chance of governing.
It's the old adage and it usually rings true
"Oppositions don't win elections, governments lose them"
A bit like City in cup finals...

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