Reform UK Party Limited Company

I’d say austerity and the internet. The former made people’s quality of life drop and the disparity of wealth grow and the latter helped to blame the wrong people for

9/11 combined with the internet (conspiracies being accessible like never before) and the wars that followed destroyed whatever trust we had in our governments and I don't think we will ever get it back now. Just have to hope the majority stays big enough to keep moderates in power.

Where I live alot of people support Farage, he stood to be our MP last time round.
The spoken language in the town is 50% English 50% non English. We have a big problem of high unemployment, lack of housing, sky high pvt rent, low wages, streets are dirty, graffiti everywhere. Most funding is going into the DFL's for their art projects.
House prices have gone through the roof, lots of flash cars in the area.

The gap between the haves and haven't has got so big it's ridiculous.

There are so many problems around here. The locals see DFL taking the area over. The locals see lots of non English people who seem to have a better life. Most locals that have a good educational move away. I'm moving once I retire. The locals are open about how much they hate the small boats.
Smell of dope is everywhere as well and drug deals aren't hidden away but in public

This area is perfect for Farage and the EDL. A couple of miles away is manston where a big immigration centre is based on the old RAF barracks.

The police paid us a visit to see if we are having any problems with what is going on. At the moment we are fine and are not expecting us local council employees to have anything more than the normal abuse from the twats in the pub or betting shop.

It's getting scary I hope nothing happens this weekend.
Go to 29:01 - what Farage proposes is actual electoral interference - as a Party Leader and actual MP if he donates money to a leadership candidate in the race for another Party he is in proper bother

Farage is a tory at heart amd always has been, I still am convinced if he could manage a merger of gis buisness amd the tories annd become leader of a conservative reform merged party he would and make himself the official opposition leader.

The only thomg that would stop hom is he wpuld have to give up his grifting and money making scheme that is the present reform business vemture

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