
In catholic theology, jesus is god as in the form of the holy trinity. God the Father, god the son and god the holy spirit, so three distinct entities sharing one indivisable esence with each being our one true god.

See also the apostles creed and nissans creed as the profesion of faith which I had to learn from back to front as a trainee alter boy. Anyways jesus is actually god but in in human format and was sent down to save humanity. He was sacrificed for the sins of humankind allowing them to be reunited with God after death. Jesus is the incarnation of God on Earth.

Copied this extract from the intraweb for ease of explanation.
Catholicism teaches that the Son was present at the creation of the universe, but wasn’t in his human form at this stage. The belief is that God chose to reveal himself as a human being in order to spread his teaching, to show how life should be lived, and to represent humanity for their salvation.

And last but not least the holy spirit, who's aim is to privide spiritual guidance down here on mother earth, but you probably knew this already with you being a genie:

Did Tolkein write that?
Was it part of the Silmarillion?
Correct. Just worth emphasising, incidentally, that Anglicanism — which is a form of Protestantism — took this aspect of Catholic theology on board (as it did quite a few others), cf. Trinity College at both Oxford and Cambridge. And not forgetting Trinity, Dublin. I can still sing the words to that hymn which go “God in three persons, blessed trinity”. (I got that education, but I am not a Christian, lest there be any ambiguity about it).
Calvin did not accept the Real Presence, and the Church of England does not. Luther, incidentally, did, which may come as a surprise to some. As did Henry VIII. Henry had people executed for denying the Real Presence (and for quite a few other things, which seem to stretch as far as if he just woke up feeling in a bad mood that day).
The Holy Trinity. No scientific proof, just decided upon by the votes of a group of bishops at a gathering.
but he/she had a wife

was all over the old testament until early christians removed her from the book of kings

The Isrealite worshiped Yahweh and Asherah as husband and wife dieties

Israelites at some point in history might have worshipped so, but that doesn't mean the Torah taught that.
Not really sure what the fuss is about here. The book is in English and therefore not the Quran.

Well, I don't know the details of what Muslims believe to be holy writ, but on that basis neither the King James nor the New Jerusalem are the Bible. You raise the interesting and thorny question of the validity of translation of the scriptures (any scriptures, from any religion). It was debated for centuries.

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