
Maybe they could also explain why everyone on that list is considered mythical but Jebus was real.
Indeed. What makes Germanic, Celtic, Egyptian, Greek and Roman paganism ‘mythologies’ in contrast to what makes Abrahamic religions not ‘mythologies’?

Maybe the pure chance of timing, who invaded whom, where and when, and what the powerful stood to achieve by converting to Christianity or forcing the change on the masses?

Did Rome convert to Christianity just at a time when, by pure chance, they were still powerful enough to have the most influence and force over others?

Could the Huns invading Europe from Central Asia have forced Germanic tribes and the Romans (despite their differences and wars between themselves as well) to work together and unite their religions as a catalyst to consolidate Europe as Christian and strength in legitimising Christianity as ‘the truth’ (and thus Judaism as a precursor to Christianity in Christians’ eyes) been a way to achieve a united defence against the Huns?

Did the Vikings see more worth (i.e. wealth) in them converting to Christianity than remaining pagan?

Similarly, the spread of Islam is directly associated with the spread of empires who followed Islam.

And then the clash of Christianity v Islam for centuries, from the Crusades to the Ottomans trying to take over Europe.

Wars, invasions and power create fanaticism in religion with the notion of ‘our religion must be true’ due to what you stand to lose if you don’t believe in it all?

All making Horos, Krishna and Woden ‘mythological’ yet the Moses story, Jesus’ miracle birth and the crusifiction+resurrection and Gabriel telling Muhammad Allah’s revelations ‘true’. When in reality they’re all myths and are all as fantastical a story as each other.
Maybe they could also explain why everyone on that list is considered mythical but Jebus was real.

Because that’s their guy. Has nobody told you that all the gods are made up shit, apart from yours. He's real. Makes sense if you delude yourself.

Well Jesus was a real person, there’s no doubt about that.

That’s one of the major differences between Abrahamic religions and pagan ones. The gods in Greek, Roman, Norse, Hindu religion are supposed to be mythical beings, whereas the Abrahamic religions are based on the idea that real historical people were given messages from God.
Just to be clear?

When you die, if you believe, you don't die?

And if you don't believe, you die anyway?

And if there is no existence of God, you won't know anything about it anyway?

Sounds like a win-win for religion.

In most religions if you’re a good person you get the rewards even if you’re a non-believer, but not if you believe in false gods, which is a major win for atheists.
Well Jesus was a real person, there’s no doubt about that.

That’s one of the major differences between Abrahamic religions and pagan ones. The gods in Greek, Roman, Norse, Hindu religion are supposed to be mythical beings, whereas the Abrahamic religions are based on the idea that real historical people were given messages from God.
There's no conclusive historical evidence that he ever existed. The first person to write about him outside of the bible wasn't even born when he supposedly died.
Well Jesus was a real person, there’s no doubt about that.

That’s one of the major differences between Abrahamic religions and pagan ones. The gods in Greek, Roman, Norse, Hindu religion are supposed to be mythical beings, whereas the Abrahamic religions are based on the idea that real historical people were given messages from God.
But there is doubt about that.
A serious question for believers. Explain this. There are another half dozen with the same story.

I'll explain the case for Krishna.

Krishna was not born of a virgin. His mother had several children before Krishna, not one of them was called god.
Krishna was called god, I have never heard him referred to as "son of God".
Krishna was killed by a hunter shooting by mistake, so he was not crucified.
Krishna was never resurrected.

The lives of Christ and Krishna has no resemblance. Krishna had wives and children, and waged wars.

So, the similarities ends at capability of performing miracles, which is hardly worthy of making an association.
Well Jesus was a real person, there’s no doubt about that.

That’s one of the major differences between Abrahamic religions and pagan ones. The gods in Greek, Roman, Norse, Hindu religion are supposed to be mythical beings, whereas the Abrahamic religions are based on the idea that real historical people were given messages from God.
There is absolutely no conclusive proof Jesus was real. None. If there is, let’s see it. Messages from which god? Horus was 3,000 years BC. Was god testing the water with him and the other dozen with the same story?

Also, no Roman record of him. The Jewish myth was a messiah was coming to kick their arse. According to the deluded, he attracted crowds of thousands, sauntered into Bethlehem on a donkey, the lazy bastard, crowds, palm leaves et al. The Romans where brutal with any potential threat to their Enoure, it’s well documented, but for some reason not a word, no one asked, should we send another Legion just in case? Nothing. It’s all absolute bollocks.

Josephus a Roman wrote nearly a century after and he mentioned Christians, not Christ.

No historical record. A dozen gods with the same story, most predating the tip toeing water acrobat, a bible that states light was switched on the third day. Adam and Eve started humanity through incest, the earth was at the centre of the Universe. The Sun orbited earth. For fuck sake, how can anybody believe anything other than the truth. He was fashioned from other previous gods, who all had to be born of a virgin or they couldn’t be gods.

Don’t get me started on the shit about Moses, Noah and his floating restaurant, that dozy **** who lived in a whale for a week, zombies coming out of graves and cutting about looking for a good coffee, after he snuffed it. A virgin birth. Raising people from the dead. Dying and putting in an appearance so he didn’t miss out on an Easter egg. Floating up to heaven. Satan cutting about and god turning a bling eye. A talking snake, a burning bush, parting seas, god being an enthusiastic genocidal ****, killing babies for being born into the wrong family. And that’s just of the top of my highly intelligent, gloriously fabulously haired head.

It’s a sham.

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