
A serious question for believers. Explain this. There are another half dozen with the same story.


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A serious question for believers. Explain this. There are another half dozen with the same story.


The Silk Road.

Trade routes spread goods, wealth and people but also the exchange of stories and religious beliefs.


From Sumerians, to Akkadians, Canaanites, Philistines, Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Phoenicians, Judeans, Israelites, Samaritans, Endomites, Nabateans, Persians, Macedonians, Seleucids, Ptolemaics, Hasmoneans, Greeks and Romans… all of these were empires that conquered the Levant or emigration of people from where these empires were from to the Levant or were Levantine empires that sprung up and grew in the area; all bringing their own customs, culture and religions into the area over the millennia.

All of these older stories and legends, and the iconography and traditions associated with them, are from somewhere on these ancient trade routes or from empires who moved into the Levant: Horos, Krishna, Oddyseus, Romulus, Dionysus, Heracles, Hermes, Serapis, Zeus, Adonis, Asclepius, Glycon, Zoroaster, Attis, Mythra, Buddha, Tammuz, and many more…

Even within Judaism and Christianity, parts of the Jesus story and iconography are seen in Joseph (the technicolour dreamcoat one) and in Samson as well as others.

Judaism and Christianity are just a gathering of all of these different peoples’ religions, a bit of continuation, a bit of adaptation, a lot of plagiarism and hey presto you have new religions.
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The Silk Road.

Trade routes spread goods, wealth and people but also the exchange of stories and religious beliefs.


From Sumerians, to Akkadians, Canaanites, Philistines, Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Phoenicians, Judeans, Israelites, Samaritans, Endomites, Nabateans, Persians, Macedonians, Seleucids, Ptolemaics, Hasmoneans, Greeks and Romans… all of these empires conquered the Levant or emigration of these people from where these empires were originally from going to the Levant bringing their own customs, culture and religions into the area over the millennia.

All of these older stories and legends, and the iconography and traditions associated with them, are from somewhere on these ancient trade routes or from empires who moved into the Levant: Horos, Krishna, Oddyseus, Romulus, Dionysus, Heracles, Hermes, Serapis, Zeus, Adonis, Asclepius, Glycon, Zoroaster, Attis, Mythra, Buddha, Tammuz, and many more…

Even within Judaism and Christianity parts of the Jesus story and iconography are seen in Joseph (the technicolour dreamcoat one) and in Samson as well as others.

Judaism and Christianity are just a gathering of all of these different peoples’ religions, a bit of continuation, a bit of adaptation, a lot of plagiarism and hey presto you have new religions.
Exactly, great post.
made no assumptions mate
i asked why they are in the house of lords and for what reason? 24 is of course a small proportion but there is a chance for influence which in my eyes is 24 too many
glad you had unimpacted chippy tea sounds good
i had a unimpacted lamb dinner whilst watching firmino put the title back in our hands
I have to ask, what is an 'unimpacted' lamb or chippy tea?
Maybe they could also explain why everyone on that list is considered mythical but Jebus was real.
Because that’s their guy. Has nobody told you that all the gods are made up shit, apart from yours. He's real. Makes sense if you delude yourself.
Because that’s their guy. Has nobody told you that all the gods are made up shit, apart from yours. He's real. Makes sense if you delude yourself.
Diego Armando Maradona was real. And he did a lot more for the poor and downtrodden than any fake short arse hunchbacked Jewish guy

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