Report: Manchester United On The Verge Of £1b Buyout

Cheltblue said:
MCFCinUSA said:
this arguing on this thread isn't necessary and doesn't matter, and here are a few reasons why:-

1) who buys football clubs to make money?

(except complete and utter morons - read 'the Glazers' and some other Americans across on the Mersey, and look where they are now. Only Toxin lucked out and not through his financial acumen or genius hand at the helm, but simply because a bigger fish swallowed him up)

2) most football club purchases these days are probably motivated as much by prestige as anything else, and the owners often throw their own money down the drain (and know it, and can afford it) for the love of the game

3) anyone with money can use it to buy anything they want, no matter how overpriced or ridiculous it may seem to outsiders

4) so what if ManUre are bought or sold? who gives a shit? (literally!)

5) I also don't care about what any other team's bank balances are, including ManUre's

(although I will 'fess up to laughing at seeing them in such deep doo-dooo over their finances. No one, no matter how much cash in the bank they've got, including us, can buy every player, and neither can they guarantee buying success; I hope, so long as the game is played straight and nothing underhand is going on)

I'm just looking at what's happening on the pitch, and am grateful at least at City we're not about to head into administration. Since when did we all start turning into envious green-eyed monsters?

Ive been one for many years mate, jealous as fuck of the success that our so called big4 have had.
I want some..........and soon!
me 2
bizzbo said:
the economics scarcely come into it for a certain category of prospective purchaser. it would be the ultimate vanity purchase, like owning a sodding country. you are buying 'glorious history' *spit*. what do you buy the man who has everything? the 'most loved' football club in the world, the rights to the memory of best in porto, etc etc. a 'friendly' worldwide brand akin to sodding disney.

that's exactly another point I was trying to make Bizz about why I couldn't be arsed about this whole thread..

if someone wants to splurge on that upside-down eyesore over in Salford so what - it'll happen or it won't.

either which way, I couldn't care less.... football clubs are mostly run on such an unprofessional footing and the amounts they are paying for players and paying them are killing many, making much of the 'higher' echelons of competition one in which you've got to be bankrolled by people with extremely deep pockets.

it's not what it used to be...

(and I'm not a supporter of Bloated Splat Blatter and his French puppet)
Too true, the reality is you either run yourslef into massive debts our have super rich owners to get anywhere in football these days. I would love for City to build a team without massive spending and breach the top four but Everton this season have shown hard work, organisation and good management can only take you so far.

I'm bored of being an average team and if 'selling our soul' to a rich owner (not my words) will give us success finally afte all these years of hurt, then so be it.
mcfc83 said:
Too true, the reality is you either run yourslef into massive debts our have super rich owners to get anywhere in football these days. I would love for City to build a team without massive spending and breach the top four but Everton this season have shown hard work, organisation and good management can only take you so far.

I'm bored of being an average team and if 'selling our soul' to a rich owner (not my words) will give us success finally afte all these years of hurt, then so be it.

yeah, but wouldn't you just love it to see us assemble a team that plays like the Dutch side of '74?


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