Reports From Italy .....Dont worry

I've not any more or less confident since it all kicked off. I knew it would hinge on Kaka not AC and the fact we've not said much doesn't suprise me. Unlike the old days we conduct business properly now not over brunch at a service station.
AntonDonJuan said:
Gina said:
Got a really bad gut feeling the boy will stay at milan! dont mean to put you lot on a downer i think cook and co are struggling to convince.

chill gina, you've got enough to worry about


Gina, you don't have to do this. Don't feel the need to be brave or owt.
svennis pennis said:
markbmcfc said:
Theres just nothing positive coming out of that camp, or our camp for that matter, that makes me think we're gonna sign him.

Lets face it, without Ajay's information, would you all still be thinking he's coming?

Judging by the levels of hysteria in Milan right now the last thing they need is an agent, Kaka, or City bigging up the deal. Tomorrow evening will give us all the indication we need. Until then. Chillax.

Will try :)
blue fingers said:
Chippy_boy said:
allan harper said:
load of shite, he could of been upset about his pasta, his holy water, his service or that he is upset that he is leaving his mates, oh no its becuse there forcing him out...

Er, no it isn't a load of shite.

It's pretty clear he didn't want to come to City, but at the end of the day if (as we inevitable) Milan told him he's not wanted there anymore, he's really got no choice but to come here. Of course he could point blank refuse and say he won't play for us even if we do buy him, which would scupper the deal. But then his career is over. So he is stuck between a rock and a hard place, with "only" $500,000 a week to console him.

I am sure he will be professional enough at City to try hard and to do his best, but for us to imagine that his heart has been set all along in joining the most fabulous club in the world, i.e. ours, is a pretty ridiculous thought isn't it. OF COURSE he's pissed off he has to join us.

If he wanted to stay at AC it'd be easy, but he clearly doesn't. He wants out of the ageing team at a skint club and into a team whereby the future is bright. You're not a blue- if you are you're a fcuking odd one.

Get real... I have been a supporter for 40 odd years, but even I know we aren't as an appealing club (yet) as AC Milan. Do me a favour.
He will come, no worries about that.

Him not coming is simply too dark a day to contemplate.

We would be the laughing stock of the world media -- and would find it very difficult to attract top players. If he didn't come (on the grounds that money isn't everything to him and he wants trophies, or doesn't think we're a top team), then every future player would be scared to be seen as a money grubber if they came here.

However if he does come.... Floodgates. People who've never even heard of Man City in places like Italy will be all over us.
Kaka! said:
He will come, no worries about that.

Him not coming is simply too dark a day to contemplate.

We would be the laughing stock of the world media -- and would find it very difficult to attract top players. If he didn't come (on the grounds that money isn't everything to him and he wants trophies, or doesn't think we're a top team), then every future player would be scared to be seen as a money grubber if they came here.

However if he does come.... Floodgates. People who've never even heard of Man City in places like Italy will be all over us.

WTF? Don't you guys give up?
Kaka! said:
He will come, no worries about that.

Him not coming is simply too dark a day to contemplate.

We would be the laughing stock of the world media -- and would find it very difficult to attract top players. If he didn't come (on the grounds that money isn't everything to him and he wants trophies, or doesn't think we're a top team), then every future player would be scared to be seen as a money grubber if they came here.

However if he does come.... Floodgates. People who've never even heard of Man City in places like Italy will be all over us.

1. RAG!

2. WUM

3. Bye

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