Respect to City from Hamburg!

panzer1311 said:
sorry about this but, the only team in germany is schalke 04

Schalke is ok with me.

There are two rag teams in germany HSV-Fans are hating:
Bayern (Bauern) and Bremen (Brähmen ("äh" in german means awful))
Hamburg have been my German team since high school when we had a foreign exchange student that's a supporter. Last year solidified it for me. Good luck the rest of the season and here's to meeting you guys in the future!
Cheers Tim :) Good luck to Hamburg this season!

Ws looking at that forum and saw this, no idea what the perrson is saying but it made me chuckle

"Ja, bei den Top 4 wird es kolportiert, aber bei ManU ist es schon etwas auffälliger, und die übertriebene Nachspielzeit wird dort auch als "Fergie-Time" bezeichnet.
ElanJo said:
Cheers Tim :) Good luck to Hamburg this season!

Ws looking at that forum and saw this, no idea what the perrson is saying but it made me chuckle

"Ja, bei den Top 4 wird es kolportiert, aber bei ManU ist es schon etwas auffälliger, und die übertriebene Nachspielzeit wird dort auch als "Fergie-Time" bezeichnet.

Something like this...

" Yes, with the Top 4 it is spread, but with ManU it is already somewhat more remarkable, and the exaggerated sequel time is " there also is; Fergie Time" designated. : roll: "
Brilliant City , Friendly people , Lovely weather , Awesome stadium . Shalke and Dusseldorf was an excellent away trip . Apart from takin the wrong Auto route out of Calais and heading for Paris ! But the 4 days travelling and partying in Hamburg is gonna take some beating . Only down point was following those 2 bloody coaches through the Belgian country side thinking they knew a short cut between Ostend and Calais only to find that the wee country lane we`d been following them down for around 10 miles was a dead end .

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