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Good for you that you haven’t caught COVID, but it’s not due to you wearing a mask.Masks have no use in the fight against COVID.

I caught COVID off my 80ish year old parents while caring for them. while one had a broken hip and caught it from hospital, when mask wearing visitors were allowed, before giving it to me and my dementia bed ridden father with diabetes. I gave it to my son and girlfriend as a result.

None of us suffered more than a high temperature.

Is that worth giving up our normal lives for that, by wearing a covering over our mouths, that is the focal point of breathing, eating, speaking drinking. let alone that no studies have proved that masks actually help us against COVID.

Plenty of studies already have shown that masks serve no purpose. I have written to the government regarding masks and was told that masks have no barrier against receiving COVID but are for me to stop giving COVID to others. How does that work? Are masks a one way transmission? Does my breath out have less power than breathing in? No, it’s all nonsense.

Masks have become the way of life for those in power and they don’t want to admit what dickheads they have been.

Schools on Monday no longer need masks, and it will be a gradual decrease in mask wearing until such time that masks wearing can be quietly forgotten.

In a years time studies will appear saying mask wearing was not needed. they look stupid and make any mask wearing person an obedient sheep to illogical authority..
Maybe if you wore masks you would not have spread it to all and sundry?

This is proper flat earth / David Icke stuff, the people who make it up don't believe it, they just do it to make money out of simpleton 'Freemen' types.
Plenty of studies already have shown that masks serve no purpose. I have written to the government regarding masks and was told that masks have no barrier against receiving COVID but are for me to stop giving COVID to others. How does that work? Are masks a one way transmission? Does my breath out have less power than breathing in? No, it’s all nonsense.

Definitely one for off-topic, but you do seem like the sort of twat who walks around Supermarkets without a mask because you think it's all a conspiracy and I'm all right jack.

Even more bewildering is that you haven't worked out that with Masks on, maybe you would have reduced the risk of catching it, but more importantly the risk of passing it on (oh you did, didn't you, well done).

Rather than protecting the wearer, a Mask seeks to block or reduce the release of virus-laden droplets into the air that surrounds the person wearing the mask and therefore reduces the rate of transmission. Think of it like when you sneeze. When you put your hand over your nose and mouth it means that far less particles are emitted into the air. A mask performs the same function, reduces the droplets of Covid carrying crap from your mouth and nose.

Stop reading crap studies and instead look at real studies that show that wearing a mask, especially when not showing symptoms, reduces risk of transmission by 79%

Or just look at the CDC, WHO, BMJ, or study the many posts on here from fellow Blues who have lost loved ones to Covid before you start trotting out the consipracy crap.

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