
Leave lego lying about where you know they will be walking barefoot
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Well the lack of details means it cant be tailored to the situation, but if you can access their toilet, wang a load of powdered jelly in it, if its left over night it dissolves, sets and gives some awesome splash back or even better a bed for their shit to sit on and its a fucker to clear up. If you have a bit more time, wang a pint of water on their carpet, chuck a load of cress seeds on it, turn up the heating and leave, in a few days they will have a lovely cress carpet.

Fucking cress?

When the female mind thinks of revenge it does not involve cress.
Having actually done it to someone, its a right fucker to try and clear up and women appreciate the toughness of trying to tidy up, get with the programme here.

Don't tell me, when they're really cross they grow sunflowers.

Revenge in the female sense involves you at the end of Blackpool pier your clothes in Essex and a large crowd, or your laptop and a can of castrol GTX. Not the minor ingredients from an egg butty.
Brake in to house , tape box of matches up side down to bottom of kitchen door, tape sand paper to floor of kitchen..... Cut gas pipe in kitchen.......boom ...... Up to you .... Just like to say I think you should never do this .......... Never ...... But it is your life enjoy.

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