Richards, Zabaleta and Bridge under threat - Mail

No one will pay Bridge's wages anyway so we might as well keep hold of him and use him as back up should we get a better left back in. It's not like he isn't used to it
I reckon Richards will leave to be honest, at least on loan. Wouldn't be surprised if he went somewhere like Sunderland in january on loan 'til the end of the season and then back there on a season-long loan in the summer. A Jo type situation.
Ladyman (silly name) always seems to be quite fair about City. The previous day he wrote an article on "seven reasons why this season's premiership is great" and two of them were about us.

It's obvious Micah is not progressing as much as we would of liked and it will do the lad no harm to think he need's to concentrate more or he'll be out.

Bridge is now looking the part; Zab is valuable for doing a job wherever he is put.

Do not read too much into this article, it's stating the obvious and filling a page in a week with no premiership action.

Same paper though: Maradonna , the cheeky cnut, having a go because we played Zab at Villa. Tw@t.
The Fat el Hombre said:
Stupid to get rid of Micah he's only 21 and still a great prospect, at least at centre half. The bitterness towards him on here, as demonstrated by RealMancsAreBlue, is tedious

I make no secret of the fact I dont like his attitude or the fact that he is completely lacking in skill. The sooner he is gone the better for me, and in case you didnt know, I thought the same about Richard Dunne (skill wise, not attitude (although some of his red cards would suggest otherwise))
hmm, cant see why Zabaleta and Bridge would be under threat

i think Bridge has improved (alot) this season
Bridge is definitely improved this season! ive been quite pleased with him, who would you have instead of him???

as for zaba he needs to be given a chance, consistant run of games before he can be judges, while richards i wouldnt rule him out just yet! still only 21!!!!
Right Back
Really hope we don't go after a right back, as we have options there that will do until Trippier breaks through, hopefully this season, but if not then next season for sure! He is by far the brightest prospect I've seen coming through the youth ranks in recent memory. For now Zab can do a job there, with a good run in the team. Richards isnt a bad back-up, but there is only so far being an exceptional athlete can take you, eventually a lack of a footballing brain always catches with you, especially when the technical ability was always lacking! Another option is Vidal, a pleyer i've never really rated as he's come through the system, but a work contact of mine whose a Don's fan reckons, that once he settled in he really did look the part, and reckons he'll go on to big things, so maybe I wrote him off too soon! Also not forgeting Ned, who despite it not being his best position, can always do a job there.

Left Back
As usual, most blues need a boo-boy, and bridge fits niceley into that mould. Some people really are morons! Bridge this season is beginning to show glimces of the player he was prior to being wasted at Chelase. People forget just how-long he was a 'former-footballer' for, and just how long getting that match sharpness, confidence and desire back can take. I don't see many better options anywher in the world than a fully-functioning Wayne Bridge, and anyway, full backs from foerign leagues are a massive gamble and always really struggle to adopt to the pace and intesity of the premier league at first- Evera's debut at Main Road anyone???

Creative Midfielder
Maybe it's just me, but I'm a great believer that a squad can never contain too many of these type of players, and the more the merrier in my book! Just need to be careful how this effects the 'squad ethos' as many of this type of player tend to come with baggage!

Really hope he stays, but he's not a Hughes type player, and I still question if he was ever really a Hughes signing. Despite what he's capable of on the pitch, do people really beleive the likes of Barry, Tevez, adebayour etc would of signed without a player of Robiniho's ability signing first????
DontLookBackInAnger said:
I thought Bridge has been getting much this season, as for Zabaleta I would have thought he makes an ideal squad player(if not a week in week out starter). As for Richards, its not like we need the money, I would keep him and see how he gets on, given the chance to really learn his trade.
Absolutely 100% this.

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