Riots in Manchester city centre (not Salford)

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Dzeko's Right Boot said:
I think a lot of you are over-estimating this. You won't need to "tool up", they're a few gangs of teenagers. Decking one of them would send the rest of the chavs home.

I'd happily lay my tools down and deck them. Problem is I don't trust them and wouldn't be surprised if one of them took one of their own weapons out. I'm not fucking about waiting for one of them to get a knife out which one of them will undoubtedly have.
Captain Kompany said:
blumoonrisen said:
I know a few people that have already gone down there and apparently everythings under control now.

I'll be tuned in to sky news tomorrow evening and monitoring bluemoon very closely. If it's kicking off I'll make sure these pricks regret it.
Judge it properly. I'd hate it if you post on again next week and say you got nicked and are facing court for intent to use dangerous weapons or GBH!
TheMightyQuinn said:
1.618034 said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
See what just 1 man can achieve when he leaves the internet and puts his words into action!

That man should be an inspiration for us all but instead he's been turned into a Gif to tweet to mates.

And therefore more people will see it and therefore there's more chance that someone will get off their arse and do something...


Or they'll just retweet it and think 'Wish that was me'.

I'm not having a go, I just think that if all the blokes on here and elsewhere who are dying to smack these scallies actually did something instead of talking about it then maybe shit would change.

Just an opinion.

And it's a valid opinion that I share, but I'm not the one with 26000 posts who's belittling people on the internet, for sharing information that may well provide the inspiration you're looking for... It IS possible to use the internet AND do something about it.
1.618034 said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
1.618034 said:
And therefore more people will see it and therefore there's more chance that someone will get off their arse and do something...


Or they'll just retweet it and think 'Wish that was me'.

I'm not having a go, I just think that if all the blokes on here and elsewhere who are dying to smack these scallies actually did something instead of talking about it then maybe shit would change.

Just an opinion.

And it's a valid opinion that I share, but I'm not the one with 26000 posts who's belittling people on the internet, for sharing information that may well provide the inspiration you're looking for... It IS possible to use the internet AND do something about it.

I didn't say it wasn't possible to talk and act, I just noted that up to now it's just talk.

I've not belittled anyone, in fact I've gone out of my way to word my posts so that they are in no way antagonistic.
Ive been working since 9am this morning so Ive yet to read anything on the riots. My last job was at 10pm in the Trafford Centre and judging by the amount of people going about their everyuday business you'd never guess what was going on only a few miles down the road.

Drove home and every road into the City centre was closed off, plenty of hooded fuckers walking peacefully home though. Near the Apollo there were scallies and all the way up Hyde Road and especially coming through Gorton where it looked like a fair number of smackheads were out of their fucking heads staggering around the middle of the road. Soooo tempted to plough straight on rather than swerve around the fuckers.

Cameron should have closed the country down at 6pm and told everyone there was a 9pm curfew and anyone caught on the streets were gonna take a fucking good hiding. About time this country stopped fucking around with these shithouses. Instead we've had another night of shame and disaster for some business's and at what cost?
talkativesprout said:
MMA said:
probably been mentioned by now, (i'm still only on page 16) but i think the possibility of looking into the eyes of a twelve year old child as you crack his skull open with a baton, might partly explain the soft police approach.

personally, i would have no morality issues with throwing the little cunts into the canal. naked.
smash em in the fucking kneecaps then.

Id have a check of your moral compass fella. Stripping 12 yr old children naked doesnt sit to well on mine

i'd be naked. not the kids.
danburge82 said:
Captain Kompany said:
blumoonrisen said:
I know a few people that have already gone down there and apparently everythings under control now.

I'll be tuned in to sky news tomorrow evening and monitoring bluemoon very closely. If it's kicking off I'll make sure these pricks regret it.
Judge it properly. I'd hate it if you post on again next week and say you got nicked and are facing court for intent to use dangerous weapons or GBH!

Any police man comes near me I'll throw my tools and run. They can't catch me when I'm pissed so the chances of catching me while they doff riot gear and I'm sober is about 0%. It would be bullshit if I did get thrown in front of court for sorting the little scrotes out that the police couldn't though.
Arsenal and tottenham firms have joined and have been protecting their areas. are we going to do this with united?
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