Riots in Manchester city centre (not Salford)

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Akai said:

YOU FAT SCUMMY **** woman!!!
FuZzY said:
I noticed passing the Mercedes-Benz Garage this morning next to our Club that it was empty.

Has it shutdown, or is this due to the trouble?
Mrs backs dad drives those car transporters and went to pick new cars up just in case, they removed 200 new cars from the merc garage as a precaution
The Fat el Hombre said:
Walked down portland street on my way to work and the faces of the guys inside dawsons music shop said it all. Natwest was boarded up but that doesn't matter as much, but the takeaways further down looked like they'd been done in as well

Everyone can sit here and whinge and say this or that or whatever but it ain't gonna make a fucking difference to anything. 99.9% of them who took liberties last night will get away scot free as per fucking usual. They'll carry on in their free houses drinking their cider that we've bought for them and making babies that we'll pay for who'll follow in their footsteps. All you or I can do is sit back, take it up the arse from them and hope that it isn't our houses or shops that are smashed in, burned or looted nex time.
It's fucking sickening isn't it?! I guarantee maybe one or two people will face a serious charge yet the dozens if not hundreds of others who were just as, if not more, involved will get away with it all. Word is there were specific known people organising this, and they weren't teenagers, in fact they were grown men in their 40's just getting the scrotes to do the dirty work. All creeping back to their scum sties living on benefits for no reason, never have or never will have a job, paid for by us decent citizens. Some will live in our neighbourhoods, some on the same street, some maybe even next door to us. Yet the difference in class of people is very very wide. Seeing fat scum like the numerous pictures of women who look like they're at least 40 running out of shops with fatty foods and drinks says it all. Going home to feed their fat cunty kids.

I'm no angel, I've done bad things in my life, but I've never stooped to levels of the scum of this country. I've said it before, for me, anyone involved should be lined up and let the real citizens of Manchester go to town on them by any means!

I'M FUMING!!!<br /><br />-- Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:01 am --<br /><br />
LeftHook said:
Anyone else see Dominic Noonan on the streets orchastrating last night? Saw him with my own eyes, as did a few people from work.
Keep seeing footage of a bloke probably in his 40's holding the broken and shattered glass of Diesel up for little cunts to get under whilst shouting "what?" at the police. Don't know how old Noonan would be now, he's probably older than that isn't he?
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

Anyone know any of these lot..

Absolute scum..

The main reason I decided to leave UK 5 years ago (at age of 21!) to go work and make better living abroad. I couldnt stand breathing the same air and walking the same streets as these pathetic sub human scum lowlifes!! Im not from the best area in world (Denton) had same opportunities, teachers etc. as a lot of these, but decided to knuckle down, work hard and better myself... Which I can now happily say I have done! Very sad day for Manchester, and UK.
Bucharest Blue said:

Anyone know any of these lot..

Absolute scum..

The main reason I decided to leave UK 5 years ago (at age of 21!) to go work and make better living abroad. I couldnt stand breathing the same air and walking the same streets as these pathetic sub human scum lowlifes!! Im not from the best area in world (Denton) had same opportunities, teachers etc. as a lot of these, but decided to knuckle down, work hard and better myself... Which I can now happily say I have done! Very sad day for Manchester, and UK.
I think a lot of people will know who that fat **** is later in that video! That's now two lots of footage with two different blokes looking like they're orchastrating all this.
danburge82 said:
The Fat el Hombre said:
Walked down portland street on my way to work and the faces of the guys inside dawsons music shop said it all. Natwest was boarded up but that doesn't matter as much, but the takeaways further down looked like they'd been done in as well

Everyone can sit here and whinge and say this or that or whatever but it ain't gonna make a fucking difference to anything. 99.9% of them who took liberties last night will get away scot free as per fucking usual. They'll carry on in their free houses drinking their cider that we've bought for them and making babies that we'll pay for who'll follow in their footsteps. All you or I can do is sit back, take it up the arse from them and hope that it isn't our houses or shops that are smashed in, burned or looted nex time.
It's fucking sickening isn't it?! I guarantee maybe one or two people will face a serious charge yet the dozens if not hundreds of others who were just as, if not more, involved will get away with it all. Word is there were specific known people organising this, and they weren't teenagers, in fact they were grown men in their 40's just getting the scrotes to do the dirty work. All creeping back to their scum sties living on benefits for no reason, never have or never will have a job, paid for by us decent citizens. Some will live in our neighbourhoods, some on the same street, some maybe even next door to us. Yet the difference in class of people is very very wide. Seeing fat scum like the numerous pictures of women who look like they're at least 40 running out of shops with fatty foods and drinks says it all. Going home to feed their fat cunty kids.

I'm no angel, I've done bad things in my life, but I've never stooped to levels of the scum of this country. I've said it before, for me, anyone involved should be lined up and let the real citizens of Manchester go to town on them by any means!


-- Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:01 am --

LeftHook said:
Anyone else see Dominic Noonan on the streets orchastrating last night? Saw him with my own eyes, as did a few people from work.
Keep seeing footage of a bloke probably in his 40's holding the broken and shattered glass of Diesel up for little cunts to get under whilst shouting "what?" at the police. Don't know how old Noonan would be now, he's probably older than that isn't he?

Dan, you're right mate. I think it's fair to say that most of us on this board have done something at some point in our lives that was wrong - particularly when we were teenagers. However, the difference is that we were accountable for our actions and when we got into trouble more often than not the punishment meted out by our parents (or the police if they got involved) meant that we learnt our lesson and didn't do it again. Not only that, the things we did then weren't nearly as bad as some of this shit - for us it was garden-hopping, knock-a-door-run, and playing with matches in a field somewhere. For these cunts, it's looting and torching shops, homes, and cars ffs.

The thing with these scrotes is that they don't seem to care about the consequences of getting caught - either because their parents don't give a shit and won't hand out a suitable bollocking or the courts will merely give them a slap on the wrist. Or both. And I find it staggering how the standards of parents disciplining their kids has plummetted so much compared to when I was growing up in the 1980's. I know it's not the fault of the parents 100% of the time but these days so many of them seem to let their kids run amok and do what the fuck they want.
Oh fuck off if she was starving she would be getting large bags of rice or things that would last a while not crisp, chocolate and pop you soppy ****.
Bucharest Blue said:

Anyone know any of these lot..

Absolute scum..

The main reason I decided to leave UK 5 years ago (at age of 21!) to go work and make better living abroad. I couldnt stand breathing the same air and walking the same streets as these pathetic sub human scum lowlifes!! Im not from the best area in world (Denton) had same opportunities, teachers etc. as a lot of these, but decided to knuckle down, work hard and better myself... Which I can now happily say I have done! Very sad day for Manchester, and UK.

2.34 on vid, thats dom noonan
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