RIP Bill Lyons (@Bill, previously @de niro) update re funeral pg 51/JustGiving link p52

We no longer as a family run firwood carpets,
I first met Bill about 20 years ago, both of us used to go to reserve team games, me with my daughters Naomi and Charlotte (Charleygirl on BM) and him with Jessica, hot chocolates, good chat and a friendship formed. I used to sort tickets out for people back then as did Bill and he was the first person I can remember saying to me for a change 'Josh i'm going down to the ground do you want any tickets for whatever game'. I knew instantly we would become friends. At those reserve team games I was unsure of whether to go self-employed or not and Bill would give me advice, solid support and encouragement in believing in myself. So I did and it paid off.

It didn't take us long to start going on away trips together, two wives and three daughters in two cars soon increased with a couple more friends of the daughters and on any given weekend we would be outnumbered at least 7-2 in favour of the girls. We decided to start hiring a mini bus and making the away trip a whole family away day and the numbers grew to 15 on regular away trips as others joined the fun. Always a pub stop off on the way and a pub or restaurant on the way back. Remember these were the days when City weren't so good but the day was always filled with non stop love and laughter with memorable trips to Newcastle Sunderland, Hull and that infamous defeat at Middlesbrough 8-1.
Great moments to remember like chasing the City team bus down the motorway and slowing alongside it with everyone in the back piling over to one side whilst trying to keep the mini bus in lane. Fantastic weekends in London for Semi Finals and Finals and a moment I'll never forget watching Bill in full flow at Upton Park with a pub full of West Ham ready to flinch him alive until they realised it was just some daft fella called Bill just being Bill.
Some of the best away days I've had and isn't that what it's all about City and friendships.

He used to mither me non-stop to go on a European away trip with him but my small business was just getting off the ground and at the time I became pig headed with UEFA competitions in general and told him it wasn't for me. How much do I now regret never going with him. On one particular morning around 7am he phoned me from the Faroes and all he said was 'Whatever you read in the newspapers today it's all lies it was beef we ate but they paid us for a story' and he put the phone down laughing. I'll leave it to your imagination to determine what the papers said the Trawler boys had for dinner.

It's already been said what a character Bill was, larger than life and generous to the core, possibly as generous a man as I've yet to meet. He was a kind man, a family man who would do anything for anyone. He was also a very determined man with an incredibly positive outlook and attitude to life and set himself goals once his diagnosis had been confirmed. He ticked them off one by one and then set himself some more. He was an inspiration and along with the loving care from his family and in particular Jeanie his wife who devoted herself to caring for him they had so much more time together than expected. Bill's generosity to me and my family carried on until the very end with a day he gave us that we will all never forget and will cherish and treasure for the rest of our lives.

All my memories of Bill are happy and positive ones even towards the end because that's how Bill was. I've missed him over the past few years and I will miss him for many many more to come. Bill Lyons a true friend.

All of our love and condolences to Jeanie, Jessica, Jenna, Martin, Grandson Leeland and all the family.

Josh, Clare, Charlotte and Naomi xxxx
Thanks Josh it was a massive pleasure to meet you my dad was very fond of you all x
@Ric - maybe its time to have another Bluemoon meet up. After 16 years a member on here, I've personally only met a handful from this forum. Us FOC's aren't getting any younger my friend.
Not a bad shout that, tbh. It’s been a while, and would be a great chance to raise a glass to Bill and meet some old and new faces alike. If enough people are up for it we could maybe pencil something in for before the Chelsea game on the 17th?
An absolute gentlemans gentleman. I first met Billy via Jeanie, who took care of our kids all the way through primary school. The ‘best’ childminder any parent could ask for. Billy was Jeanie’s rock. Their devotion to each other was something else . Billy loved the kids as much as Jeanie. The kids loved him back. The kids loved them both. Us, as parents knew what Billy and Jeanie meant to each other. A special man, a special lady and a very very special couple. We are all better people having known Billy and being grateful for his friendship. Rest in peace. A true blue champion.
Not remotely surprised but still immensely saddened by this news.

Got to know Bill personally about a dozen years ago and spent time in his company at some BM meet ups and at about half a dozen Euro always.

We confided quite intensely in each other on a couple of drunken occasions and I can say that Bill was a thoroughly decent human being. A genuinely good guy. And great company.

I remember him telling me on a few occasions about ten years ago he didn’t feel right and subsequently when he told me he was going for tests. Dismissed it as nothing, as most of us are prone to do. Horrible to hear of the diagnosis and see the associated decline. Even though he never complained and was a fucking warrior.

He fitted a carpet at a flat my (rag) mum and dad owned near his shop. I never told them of our connection or that he hated rags, but I told them that he was the bust guy for carpets in Tameside. They both absolutely loved him. Thought he was honest, likeable, interesting and fair. And great to deal with.

And they were right.

A top Blue, but more importantly, a great person.

Really glad I got to know this guy and I know he definitely made the world a better place.

Sorry for the loss if his family, especially Jes and Jeannie who must have had a heavy bu to carry these last few years.
He thought you were a stuck-up twat but asked me to keep that to myself. Only joking of course.

But you reminded me when you said he didn't feel right that he was a regular at the old Points of Blue, which is possibly where we met originally. He always wanted to do things for Blues, be that tickets, lifts, helping them out in any way he could. If I remember rightly, he went out of his way to help blues who were having problems. He was also the biggest and most brilliant WUM imaginable on here.

Steve Parish tried to keep POB going when the club stopped meeting us and we used to get together at the Lass O'Gowrie occasionally. It was rarely more than a dozen of us and Bill was usually one. We used to meet upstairs and he was struggling with the stairs. He clearly wasn't right and was having loads of tests, without any conclusive results. Ultimately he was diagnosed with MND of course. But he still kept going to games, even European away games, while he could, and probably long after most of us would have given up doing that.

He told me his dream was to sell up and retire to Italy. Well Bill, I hope you're free of that wasting disease and floating over the hills of Tuscany now.

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