Rishi Sunak

Vomit inducing. Incredibly, the Conservative's social media team is even more amateurish than their MPs.
Tories are run by old farts.

They probably borrowed on of the MPs 12 year olds who thinks they are a big thing on TikTok to produce that.
Is Sunak still here? Why has he not gone? Why has the whole stinking, cheating (allegedly), me, me, me tory mob not gone?

It's time for a change, the country should make so much noise that they will have to have the election in May!!! Please, please, please, please.
My gut feel is that the Rwanda debcle will be key.

If (hopefully when) he loses it, it will degrade his authority making his position untenable as PM.

He will likely face a VONC from the tories and, if that has any traction, I can see him calling a snap GE

just my view though
Is Sunak still here? Why has he not gone? Why has the whole stinking, cheating (allegedly), me, me, me tory mob not gone?

It's time for a change, the country should make so much noise that they will have to have the election in May!!! Please, please, please, please.
Election will be in May because Sunak’s got a choice of an overwhelming defeat then or total wipeout later in the year after the April tax rises kick in and more people have come off their fixed rate mortgages, and when the boats haven’t stopped because of the summer increase.
It just shows what their obsessions are.

And that they don't give a fuck about the NHS, the housing crisis, food prices, poverty, or indeed anything of substance. It's all about stirring the emotions of the Brexit brigade, or such of them as are still above ground.

Quite vomit-inducing.
Putting on a cracking show in PMQs.
Or maybe that should be cracked.

woeful wasn't it? Never seen a PM dodging a question like that - and he is so bad at it he wasn't able to think up a palpable answer when he was asked the same question 4 times ...... I think that frankly he was dazed by the repeated questioning that his mind went blank. Getting bollocked by Mr Speaker for using a prop at PMQ's against all the rules just summed him up. Even when he did that he was plugging a book written by Starmer by doing so - he is just a prick
Putting on a cracking show in PMQs.
Or maybe that should be cracked.
A policy which has cost, and will continue to cost, untold sums of taxpayers’ money, which has not seen a single success, which was the waking dream of a Home Secretary, one which is going to be the hill on which his career and possibly the tory party as we know it will die. It has become a totem for what is left of this shitshow of a government.
And what is his robust and compelling defence of something which has become vital and essential to his and his party’s political existence???
’But, but, labour’
Truly pathetic defence of a truly pathetic policy from a truly pathetic man.
The brief is out for every minister to say but labour from now on , they were all at it this morning and yesterday , susanna on gmb told the one on yesterday that it bores the viewers when you turn it round on labour instead of answering the question about your own policies , dead right , he was lying as well saying labour would take us back to square one , i wanted her to say that is disengenous but she didnt

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