Rishi Sunak

Of course it does. Ridiculous thing to say. A party getting over 40% of the vote can do what the fuck they want for five years. Which means they aren’t accountable. Which leads directly to mismanagement.
Indeed but the reason for that mismanagement comes down to how government is led by party politics. A government puts people in charge of things and for a start those people are clearly not competent enough to manage those things.

Imagine you were building a nuclear powerplant, would you put an economics graduate in charge of nuclear engineering? That's exactly how governments work. It works like that because they want people in charge of things who will do what they're told above all else. Somebody who says yes and votes with the party is more important than somebody who wants to do what's best because what's best may be against the government message.

The railways are the best example, anybody who has worked remotely close to the railways will tell you that the system is broken. So why hasn't any transport secretary for the last 20 years recognised that and done something about it? It isn't because of mismanagement, it's because politically they either don't give a toss or because of political reasons like union disputes they actually don't want to fix it.

A technocratic government removes the politics and installs people in charge who know what they're talking about and have no other game other than to do a good job.
Rigby: We know you're a diehard football fan. Would you say you're election campaign would suit the chant 'You're shit and you know you are' Mr Sunak?

Sunak: I'd say it's more 'We are the champions'. If you luck at our record. Wages rising, inflation down...
Indeed but the reason for that mismanagement comes down to how government is led by party politics. A government puts people in charge of things and for a start those people are clearly not competent enough to manage those things.
But FPTP completely fuels that. It’s winner takes it all, and the winner doesn’t even need to fucking win. Certainly not emphatically. How can being disapproved of by the majority of active voters be characterised as an unalloyed victory? As it unfailingly is in the media when some **** secures a three figure majority with about 41% of the vote. Emphatic, my arse.

Absolutely fucking wank electoral system. And look at the state we’re in.

And you think it’s not the main factor? It absolutely fucking is.

And why we’re absolutely fucked.

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