Rival Fans


A lot of families went to Maine Road one week and Old Trafford the next up to the late 60s. Different siblings preferred one or the other. My Grandad (who was actually a City fan) did this with my Dad and Uncle. My Dad always preferred City and my Uncle United.

A lot of families have a Mother who’s a City fan and a Father who’s a United fan, or vice versa, and the kids split their support. My Sister, a Blue, is married to a Rag, and their four kids are 2 Blues and 2 Rags.

Yeah in Manchester support was always split between City and Utd so school etc we had utd mates then utd mates you had in your group ( we had loads going out at weekend in town split utd and city and the utd lot knew we were hooligan city scum but never let football between us and it was a tight knit set of lads no fucker messed with ) we all trained at the martial arts centre on deansgate …..mostly moss side and south manc lads a lot still around but old men now although some still handy as fuck.

You don’t go stabbing neighbours or work colleagues because they support Utd.

Cockney reds were very different and most out of town reds !!!!! even manc reds had shit off cockney reds

They got it big time ( the Brunswick waiting for the special was mad)

Gobby reds who don’t go are everywhere and are to be dismissed like an annoying fly.
Decent reds do exist trust me.
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sunderland,wrexham,3 whu ,1 rag, no dippers but i dont befriend the vermin
Still avoid fb unless you want your blood pressure going through the roof. The usual find the road with the smallest amount of City fans on then put it online, gets the dippers and rags knickers wet, they're fucking pathetic. It's not just kids as well it's 'grown blokes' getting giddy about it. Really are tiresome cunts
They know it's not true though. It's killing them slowly.
Online the dippers just will not shut up, even though we don’t matter?? (Odd)

Rags have been pretty quiet.

Fans of the other clubs seem happy for us. Bizarrely there was a clip of some Juve fans celebrating our CL win, all wearing City shirts.

We are headline news all over.
Juventus hate Inter.
Folk at work (Newcastle fans) thanked me in the work what’s app group. They thought the game was shite though.
Apart from Barca's demolition job on the rags, they're all shite games. Too nervy and so much at stake. Now we've got that first pot, the rest will come easier and it will come about through quality to be admired by all but the jealous.
Apart from Barca's demolition job on the rags, they're all shite games. Too nervy and so much at stake. Now we've got that first pot, the rest will come easier and it will come about through quality to be admired by all but the jealous.
Remember the dippers/Spurs final, no me neither. Made our game look like a classic

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