Rival Fans

A handful of Wednesday fans that I know, a good Blades mate and a Barnsley fan went out of their way to offer congratulations as did the United fans I know have been decent about it.

A Newcastle fan at Walking Football today sought me out and thrust his hand out, expressing his congratulations too. I'm pleased for him too snd told him so.

Gunner though made reference to "the money City have spent" and blustered when I reminded him that United has spent significantly more to achieve far less, and didn't have a reply when I reminded him that Henry, Bergkamp, Vieira and Co came from a diamond dealer called Danny Fizscman making a massive donation (for the time) to Arsenal. He did concede that every successful clubs spends big, but he had no answer when I said "So, why is it not OK when it's City?"
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I live in Newcastle got well done off my safc and nufc mates,one comment off a bitter red who lives in maidenhead moaning about the city fans going b4 the champions league trophy was even lifted.wasn't even worthy of a reply

Geordies and Mackems usually absolutely sound and friendly with few exceptions in my experience.
Not according to the two Italian fans who were on here, one an Inter fan, the other a Juve fan, who had quite a long exchange about it. I know nothing about it either way. It's just what they said.

Having a soft spot for Torino I've picked up that Torino are dismissively not taken seriously by many but not all Juve fans. There does exist a local rivalry. Sound familiar from the 80s, 90s and early 2000s particularly.
I've been replying with this gif a lot lately when the money jibes start coming...

Apart from Barca's demolition job on the rags, they're all shite games. Too nervy and so much at stake. Now we've got that first pot, the rest will come easier and it will come about through quality to be admired by all but the jealous.
I reckon, should we get there again, the pressure of it being our first and the monkey on our backs kind of pressure won’t be there. We’ll have the experience of winning it under our belts now and we will be more relaxed.

I’ve never seen the lads more tense and apprehensive than when they were in the tunnel last week. I said earlier in the week, they looked like they were in a queue for the shitters and were holding in diarrhoea they were shifting about so much.
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Here’s a prime example of the Coach Wreckers mentality.

Apart from it being all about them as usual.

750,000 (lieing ****) - 10,000. (A shameless lieing Scouse ****)

Nearly 7000 brainwashed likes.

No link.

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View attachment 83648
I dont get the obsession about how many turn up to matches and parades etc, i couldnt give a fuck if i stood along side 1 bloke and a labrador celebrating.

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