Road rage

double parking Stockholm stylee

People going down twisting A roads and press their brake pedal on every single bend but not affecting speed at all so you are never sure if they are braking so you get stressed.
Particularly common in Peak District on Sunday afternoons.
Also when you stop to give way on a suburban road because of a parked car on your side and the driver coming in the opposite direction with the obvious right of way. They just stop, flashing their lights until you have to resolve things by proceeding with caution knowing if theres an accident its your fault sand worst of all they give a sweet little smile as you pass.
That's a good one. If it's your right of way and there is no obstruction ahead then take your right of way. Stopping to let someone in is dangerous, causes confusion and ultimately everyone is delayed. I've even seen a couple of kind, thoughtful nobheads stop unexpectedly roundabouts to let someone in.
That's a good one. If it's your right of way and there is no obstruction ahead then take your right of way. Stopping to let someone in is dangerous, causes confusion and ultimately everyone is delayed. I've even seen a couple of kind, thoughtful nobheads stop unexpectedly roundabouts to let someone in.

As a rule of thumb I never let out buses, coaches, wagons, tractors, camper vans, caravans, cyclists, old people, people with full beards, learners, Nissan Micras, Honda Jazzes, pre 1965 Landrovers, cars with roof top boxes, cars towing boats and farmers towing sheep, other than that we can all go about our business at a normal yet blissful everyday pace.
Yes thats a good one. The always seem to wear dark colours too...
I'm lit up like a Christmas tree when I go out. As well as my rucksack, I also have reflective leggings, reflective heels on my shoes, 2 rear lights (1 flashing), wheel reflectors, rear red reflector, bright yellow jacket with reflective detailing and a properly adjusted (not blinding) strobing front light.

I also have my light on during the daylight hours
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Check that for a close call my god, the slowed down version even crazier.

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