Road rage

My two pet hates at the moment are people who indicate at lights to turn right only when the lights change.
You only pulled behind them in the belief they were going straight on. You are now stuck trying to change into the left lane to get around them.
I have started blasting my horn the second they put the right indicator on. I keep it on until they turn right or i can get past them and give them dogs abuse.

Second is when you are joining the motorway. I don't hang around, yet some dicks think it is clever to accelerate behind you and join the motorway cutting the white lines.
They then take up your space you need to join the inside lane.
It is amazing how many then feel you have somehow cut them up!
I never yield. I'm accelerating and indicating right. If they want to cause a crash it's up to them. They know they are being dicks but then proceed to flash or beep me.
I normally join, then brake test them.
To be fair mate you dont sound like the most level headed driver yourself judging by all that
Even worse the ones with those flashing LED lights that seem about 900,000,000 Lumens and blind the shit out of you.

Some cyclists and car lights are way to bright. I quite often slow down to about 20 mph or even stop as the on coming car is blinding me, along the unlit rounds around here. It's when you flash them to ask them to go the dip beam, that they flash you, I thought they were in full beam to start with !.
Even the buses around here have those really bright dip beams that blind you.
Little story of my personal near death experience while driving.

5 years ago this coming Easter, we went on holiday to Barbados with BA. The flight from Manchester required a change from Heathrow to Gatwick for the onward journey. Instead of being bothered with the mither of racing across the M25 to make the connection, I figured we would drive down the night before and stay in the Marriott at Gatwick (as I had points to use), and the company car would mean no fuel cost.

Set off around 6pm from Cheshire; eventually got onto the M25 after 10pm due to couple stops, mainly toilet and feeding stops for our 3 year Old lad.

The M25 was surprisingly busy and I was in the fast lane doing about 80mph with a decent distance to the car in front. After a few minutes I noticed the car in front periodically adjusting their steering as the car moved closer to the barrier in the central reservation. At first I thought nothing of it, but it happened a couple more times. I said to my wife that the driver was either texting or nodding off. At the same time I backed off and slowed down.....and moved into the middle lane.

Suddenly, the car that was in front in the fast lane moved closer to the barrier again but the driver didn't adjust the steering in time, they hit the barrier and then violently jinked left into the central lane as they rebounded, the driver (probably woke up) must have yanked the steering wheel left at the same time as he hit the barrier. They smashed into a car in the middle lane in front of me, both cars then spun off left into the slow lane, narrowly missing a third car before coming to a stop on the hard shoulder facing the opposite direction.

It all happened in slow motion for me, it was weird, I just knew it was going to happen, I was hyper aware. I managed to slow down in time and move off to the left hand lane, terrified that I would get hit from behind and my son would be killed by the impact. Luckily nothing happened. I checked that drivers of both cars were ok....they were moving and getting out of their cars....and then continued on my way.

I have no idea to this day whether further accidents happened behind us as a result of this one. Hopefully not.

My son slept soundly in the back baby seat, all the way through.
Some cyclists and car lights are way to bright. I quite often slow down to about 20 mph or even stop as the on coming car is blinding me, along the unlit rounds around here. It's when you flash them to ask them to go the dip beam, that they flash you, I thought they were in full beam to start with !.
Even the buses around here have those really bright dip beams that blind you.
The worst are the drivers who park up on the opposite side of the road facing the traffic and leave their lights on. It basically means you can see the sum total of f*ck all behind them, either on the road or pavement, and it's worse still if the road is wet. It's a nightmare as a cyclist because it also means you can't see hazards such as pot holes, drain covers and debris in the road, plus if the passenger decides to open their door at the wrong moment, you've got no chance.
To be fair mate you dont sound like the most level headed driver yourself judging by all that
That's what I thought. It's just fueling the fire and encouraging confrontation. If I make a mistake I raise my hand to let the other driver know that I made a mistake. It usually diffuses the situation and will appease most drivers apart from complete knobheads hellbent on pissing someone off. And I've found that a lot of BMW drivers are experts at pissing people off for whatever reason.
Little story of my personal near death experience while driving.

5 years ago this coming Easter, we went on holiday to Barbados with BA. The flight from Manchester required a change from Heathrow to Gatwick for the onward journey. Instead of being bothered with the mither of racing across the M25 to make the connection, I figured we would drive down the night before and stay in the Marriott at Gatwick (as I had points to use), and the company car would mean no fuel cost.

Set off around 6pm from Cheshire; eventually got onto the M25 after 10pm due to couple stops, mainly toilet and feeding stops for our 3 year Old lad.

The M25 was surprisingly busy and I was in the fast lane doing about 80mph with a decent distance to the car in front. After a few minutes I noticed the car in front periodically adjusting their steering as the car moved closer to the barrier in the central reservation. At first I thought nothing of it, but it happened a couple more times. I said to my wife that the driver was either texting or nodding off. At the same time I backed off and slowed down.....and moved into the middle lane.

Suddenly, the car that was in front in the fast lane moved closer to the barrier again but the driver didn't adjust the steering in time, they hit the barrier and then violently jinked left into the central lane as they rebounded, the driver (probably woke up) must have yanked the steering wheel left at the same time as he hit the barrier. They smashed into a car in the middle lane in front of me, both cars then spun off left into the slow lane, narrowly missing a third car before coming to a stop on the hard shoulder facing the opposite direction.

It all happened in slow motion for me, it was weird, I just knew it was going to happen, I was hyper aware. I managed to slow down in time and move off to the left hand lane, terrified that I would get hit from behind and my son would be killed by the impact. Luckily nothing happened. I checked that drivers of both cars were ok....they were moving and getting out of their cars....and then continued on my way.

I have no idea to this day whether further accidents happened behind us as a result of this one. Hopefully not.

My son slept soundly in the back baby seat, all the way through.

That is one hell of a story. So close. So close. I imagine you think about that from time to time and just give thanks that you and your little boy are alive.
My two pet hates at the moment are people who indicate at lights to turn right only when the lights change.
You only pulled behind them in the belief they were going straight on. You are now stuck trying to change into the left lane to get around them.
I have started blasting my horn the second they put the right indicator on. I keep it on until they turn right or i can get past them and give them dogs abuse.

Second is when you are joining the motorway. I don't hang around, yet some dicks think it is clever to accelerate behind you and join the motorway cutting the white lines.
They then take up your space you need to join the inside lane.
It is amazing how many then feel you have somehow cut them up!
I never yield. I'm accelerating and indicating right. If they want to cause a crash it's up to them. They know they are being dicks but then proceed to flash or beep me.
I normally join, then brake test them.
and I thought I was impatient
Little story of my personal near death experience while driving.

5 years ago this coming Easter, we went on holiday to Barbados with BA. The flight from Manchester required a change from Heathrow to Gatwick for the onward journey. Instead of being bothered with the mither of racing across the M25 to make the connection, I figured we would drive down the night before and stay in the Marriott at Gatwick (as I had points to use), and the company car would mean no fuel cost.

Set off around 6pm from Cheshire; eventually got onto the M25 after 10pm due to couple stops, mainly toilet and feeding stops for our 3 year Old lad.

The M25 was surprisingly busy and I was in the fast lane doing about 80mph with a decent distance to the car in front. After a few minutes I noticed the car in front periodically adjusting their steering as the car moved closer to the barrier in the central reservation. At first I thought nothing of it, but it happened a couple more times. I said to my wife that the driver was either texting or nodding off. At the same time I backed off and slowed down.....and moved into the middle lane.

Suddenly, the car that was in front in the fast lane moved closer to the barrier again but the driver didn't adjust the steering in time, they hit the barrier and then violently jinked left into the central lane as they rebounded, the driver (probably woke up) must have yanked the steering wheel left at the same time as he hit the barrier. They smashed into a car in the middle lane in front of me, both cars then spun off left into the slow lane, narrowly missing a third car before coming to a stop on the hard shoulder facing the opposite direction.

It all happened in slow motion for me, it was weird, I just knew it was going to happen, I was hyper aware. I managed to slow down in time and move off to the left hand lane, terrified that I would get hit from behind and my son would be killed by the impact. Luckily nothing happened. I checked that drivers of both cars were ok....they were moving and getting out of their cars....and then continued on my way.

I have no idea to this day whether further accidents happened behind us as a result of this one. Hopefully not.

My son slept soundly in the back baby seat, all the way through.
Very lucky outcome mate,plus your instincts shot in,,
Motorways or A roads were there excessive speeding,
Ever since I passed my test I've always looked 2 cars minimum infront just incase anything happens so I can take the required action.

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