Robhino last night


Well-Known Member
25 Sep 2009
Apologies if it's already been mentioned on here but id anyone sees Robinho's face when Tevez got subbed. He didn't even look at Tevez, let alone smile or congratulate him.

Surely that's not being a good team mate
Re: Robhino

its pretty obvious he wants out.
whats the betting he starts slagging us off once he leaves. its a shame because hes a great player, he either doesnt want to do it for us or he just doesnt suit the premier lg.
Re: Robhino

wrongun73 said:
its pretty obvious he wants out.
whats the betting he starts slagging us off once he leaves. its a shame because hes a great player, he either doesnt want to do it for us or he just doesnt suit the premier lg.

its not the prem its him, he was the same at Real, always on the bench etc, he's a luxury that no mgr can afford, when he's on the pitch its like were playing with 10....he showed us last year he could play in the prem, now he wont even put his foot in for a tackle........................................get rid FFS
Re: Robhino

nimrod said:
wrongun73 said:
its pretty obvious he wants out.
whats the betting he starts slagging us off once he leaves. its a shame because hes a great player, he either doesnt want to do it for us or he just doesnt suit the premier lg.

its not the prem its him, he was the same at Real, always on the bench etc, he's a luxury that no mgr can afford, when he's on the pitch its like were playing with 10....he showed us last year he could play in the prem, now he wont even put his foot in for a tackle........................................get rid FFS

I would not give him the pleasure of getting his move he would sit out the rest of his contract
This would serve as a warning to any little toerag who want to fuck us about his football days finished
Not seen the highlights yet so can't comment on Robinho's facial movements last night but for fucks sake, he didn't play and he still gets slagged on here.

Unless the rest of the bench all embraced Tevez and had a sing song which Robbie sat out then let it go for fucks sake. They're professionals, I'm sure Tevez didn't want or expect a fucking circle jerk on the bench when he was subbed anyway.

We've just beaten the rags for fucks a semi fucking final....without our strongest 11.....give it a rest.
Re: Robhino

spanishblue said:
nimrod said:
its not the prem its him, he was the same at Real, always on the bench etc, he's a luxury that no mgr can afford, when he's on the pitch its like were playing with 10....he showed us last year he could play in the prem, now he wont even put his foot in for a tackle........................................get rid FFS

I would not give him the plesure of getting his move he would sit out the rest of his contract
This would serv as a warning to any little toerag who want to fuck us about his football days finished
This, and before any fucker comes on here saying he won't be arsed coz of the money he's on shite, it doesn't matter one bit to us. We can afford to pay anyone any amount to do what WE want them to do.

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