Ducado said:
Not really Shooter, I just find it very odd, why bother with it all, he has been saying the same thing for ages, most Wums don't carry it on for so long, perhaps we are seeing the birth of a new breed of WUM
Its a compelling theory Ducado, and one which I feel has some weight.
Could it be that the art of WUMming has entered a new and sinister phase - gone are the days of the simple, predictable scattergun ravings and droolings of over-excitable, hormonal 14 year boys earnestly informing us that 'My Cousin's Son's Nan's Arse said it saw Craig Bellend havin a piss outside Bar Rogue in town and....' - now we're entering an age of considered, measured, single-player WUMs with back-stories, photographic 'proof' and the killer hook 'I'm not a City fan or owt, just coming on here to tell you about.....'.
What hope have we average, susceptible City fans got in this new age - the list is all we can rely on to police and protect our naked, exposed hopes and dreams!