Rodri Injury Updates | Pep says further tests awaited

ACL tears seem to mean that you can still walk normally. They mean that if you turn and put weight on your knee that the ACL missing means the knee doesn’t move in that turn and can make the leg collapse and tear other ligaments and tendons.
I completely ruptured my ACL about 5 years ago. I walked off the pitch. Apart from severe swelling and stiffness, I was able to walk around as normal.
By the time I had a scan and saw a surgeon - 16 months, I was mountain climbing.
The ACL is like a check strap on a car door. In normal use the muscles of the knee keep the joint stable, but under extreme loads the ACL keeps the joint from hyperextension. After a complete rupture, you're not supposed to play contact sports, as blows to the back of the knee can cause hyperextension - not checked by the ACL - and thus cause further knee injuries.
Having said that I play football - chill level - every week and have done for 3 years.
In a professional athlete they'll repair any damage to preclude future injury.
Fuck, reading this thread makes me feel like i’ve wandered in to a MASH triage tent !
We're a multi talented lot on BM mate. The incredible diagnostic and medical knowledge on this thread is matched only by the managerial expertise in the match day threads.
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When the knee flanges in an unexpected splurge, the antereoid crucibode delves too deeply in the mange, causing a falley-over effect on grassy functions, with screamy-shout and hand waving. "Oohh, sore knee!" is often blouted from't oriface - in languages to suit - and then cry babies have tears of wept, and when it's a Rodri, 50,000 boo-hoos fillthe atmosplode. Joy absent, me afraid for 6 months or half annually, whatever floats your pedestal. "Bloody fuckin' hell, Tzikki, kuntwanking exec with your knittyjumper over your eyes!" said Peppy Gardiboland - more tears of not joy, we saw.
Oh well, it's tough in the beedlebode!
Hope this helps.

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