Rodri's strike comment

If they felt strongly about it they could play in such a way that they wouldn't be selected again. In fact, if the charges go against us then I'd hope our English players refuse to play for England, the reason being that how could they play for a country that disrespect the club that produced them.
" if the charges go against us then I'd hope our English players refuse to play for England"

Not sure if your serious?
If they felt strongly about it they could play in such a way that they wouldn't be selected again. In fact, if the charges go against us then I'd hope our English players refuse to play for England, the reason being that how could they play for a country that disrespect the club that produced them.
I’m lost for words.
In 1970 the average player ran 4km a game. Souness in Liverpools 1981 treble winning season played 61 games. That's roughly 244km in a season. He had 94 days before the next season started.

In 2020 the average player ran 12km a game. Rodri played 69 games in our treble winning season. That's roughly 828km. He had 54 days between the last game of the season and the first of next.

The players are doing 4x as much work and getting half as much rest. It's not the same sport.
Your right it isn't the same sport nor did the players in the 70's have the medical knowledge they have now, so many players careers ended through injury that can be treated now, the medical and training advances also means the players are better prepared and not forced to play with injury.
The footballs and boots are far lighter and kits are designed for athletes and the pitches are light years away from what they played on in the 70's. The referees and officials protect them much better and they exploit this to the limit.
The squads are far bigger and you are allowed far more substitutions than they were allowed in the 70's, I take the view that this era of players are over pampered and privileged, not over worked. they are different games and circumstances, I believe our squad could with 2 or 3 new additions manage more games easily.
It's the fans who have to keep coughing up I am concerned for, trust me the players will manage, a 54 day break between seasons is pretty good. I used to get 28 days annual leave and do 86 hours a week in the 80's , I was tired.
I doubt it. £10m is like 0.3% of our salary bill. I bet most senior players would swap an extra 2 weeks off for that money and I think the coaches would be in favour too.
I was using 10m as an example it could be more what I getting at if players didn’t want huge wages clubs wouldn’t have to play the extra games. The more money the players demand the more money the clubs need to generate be that extra games increase ticket prices increased prices on merchandise
The Premier League is the last competition I want reducing.

I would get rid of:
International friendles
International Euros/World Cup qualification (make the Nations League and previous Euros/WC performances the qualification criteria)
Pre-season tours

If anything were to be reduced it should be the Euros and World Cup, make them smaller (like the Euros used to be), revert the CL back to 32 teams, bin off the EFL Cup for teams in Europe, have no replays and no ET in the FA Cup… before ever looking at reducing the size of the Premier League.
Trouble with that is, the only ones we can control are the ones run in this country.
Five divisions of 18, with 5 or 6 teams relegated every season would be fantastic. Huge churn in PL teams, no massive stigma on getting relegated as great chance of coming straight back and a great chance for the clubs who’ve never been in the PL (only 51 have been in it so far).
I’ll take that view seriously when you run 13k every 3 days for 10 years with a month off every July.
It’s just old fashioned out dated opinion from those who want to go back to jumpers for goalposts.
There’s absolutely no legitimate argument against players needing more rest in order for them to be at their optimal level.
The financials are usually brought up but don’t really matter when that’s not what the issue is.
In 1970 the average player ran 4km a game. Souness in Liverpools 1981 treble winning season played 61 games. That's roughly 244km in a season. He had 94 days before the next season started.

In 2020 the average player ran 12km a game. Rodri played 69 games in our treble winning season. That's roughly 828km. He had 54 days between the last game of the season and the first of next.

The players are doing 4x as much work and getting half as much rest. It's not the same sport.

I think your wider point is correct about the increase in work but running 828km is not really indicative of a player being over worked. It’s next to nothing in reality.
It’s just old fashioned out dated opinion from those who want to go back to jumpers for goalposts.
There’s absolutely no legitimate argument against players needing more rest in order for them to be at their optimal level.
The financials are usually brought up but don’t really matter when that’s not what the issue is.
Of course the financials matter.
Without players getting £300,000 a WEEK, maybe they wouldn’t need to have 19 PL games, upto 15 CL fixtures and ridiculous pre seasons in the USA or Australia every season? Just a thought anyway.

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