Another one of those stories where people get in a “world’s gone mad” tiz about non-existent grievances - with the presumption that civilisation is doomed. You can set your watch to them.
I must live in a parallel universe to the one inhabited by most because I get emails signed off “Regards” or “Thanks” multiple times a day and nobody gives a fuck. If you visibly roll your eyes in a meeting you will probably look like a **** but… again… nobody gives a fuck.
People are more precious about the perception of others being precious than there are actually people acting precious in the first place.
The roll your eyes thing was a training some random company delivered to the civil service. A total waste of money, obviously (what’s new there)… but are this handful of trainers now suddenly the authority on all human interaction in the whole country? No they’re a bunch of chancers trying to justify people spending thousands of pounds on them.
I think I’m going to need to see slightly better evidence of society’s moral turpitude before I jump on this particular bandwagon.