Ronaldo wants back in the Premiership..

BrianW said:
I honestly wouldn't want Ronaldo at City. He'd be another Tevez, expensive, petulant, expecting to be treated like a god, and with zero respect for the club and its fans. No thanks.
This post fails all over the place.

'Another Tevez' - How? What has he done to indicate he would do what Tevez did?

'Expensive' - And the problem is?

'Petulant' - Mario?

'Expecting to be treated like a god' - Again, what has he done to indicate he would do this?

'zero respect for the club and its fans' - Again and again, what has he done to indicate this? Was it when he said he wanted to sign for Madrid, then stayed at United for another season and give them 30+ goals? Was it the 6 years he was at United for?

Anyone who doesn't want Ronaldo doesn't want the best for the club in my opinion. 30+ a season guaranteed goals. Shirt sales galore. Proof we can sign the elite of the elite.

Nah, fuck it, he once wore red, we simply cannot have him.
Pigeonho said:
'Another Tevez' - How? What has he done to indicate he would do what Tevez did?

I suspect it's to do with him having a huge ego, taking a step down and the chance he'll think he's doing us a favour by merely being here
Pigeonho said:
'Expensive' - And the problem is?

I'm sure there is something. Hasn't that french bloke done something or other that affects clubs' spending? Financial something or other? Financial play-day? Fairpak financing or something? Nah you're right there's absolutely nothing to stop us spending £60 million+ and £250k+ a week on a single player

Pigeonho said:
'Expecting to be treated like a god' - Again, what has he done to indicate he would do this?

You're not familiar with this ronaldo bloke are you?

Pigeonho said:
'zero respect for the club and its fans' - Again and again, what has he done to indicate this? Was it when he said he wanted to sign for Madrid, then stayed at United for another season and give them 30+ goals? Was it the 6 years he was at United for?

LOL at trying to say that he'd respect City because he loved united so much. Only on bluemoon (you forgot to mention that he sees bacon face as a father figure by the way, no doubt that will make him more committed to City too)

Pigeonho said:
Anyone who doesn't want Ronaldo doesn't want the best for the club in my opinion. 30+ a season guaranteed goals. Shirt sales galore. Proof we can sign the elite of the elite.

"Shirt sales galore", yea that's what it's all about! Cos we're a tiny little club like blackburn and we need to sell shirts so much. "Proof we can sign the elite of the elite", aren't we doing that already? And so what anyway? Why do we need to prove that we can "sign the elite of the elite"? Where's that gonna get us? We are already in a position where we can realistically sign any available player in the world. We are not 'ickle City'. As for "Anyone who doesn't want Ronaldo doesn't want the best for the club in my opinion" do me a fucking favour.

Pigeonho said:
Nah, fuck it, he once wore red, we simply cannot have him.

You really need to get over this. You need to accept that only a very small minority think like this and that quite a number of us would love to ram it down their throats with one or two of their own boys. Fact of the matter is that there are big risks in throwing an extremely expensive egotistical superstar who has nothing to prove into a developing team that is progressing quite nicely as it is. Don't get me wrong, if tranny signs I'll look at the positives (top fucking class player, suited to the prem, people would shit themselves) but I think there's a risk he could rock the boat and I think the money could be spent wiser considering there are still a few gaps to fill in the squad
Ronaldo can be a pain in the arse but he'd never sabotage the team like Tevez did, on the pitch he is generally a total professional.

The other points have merit, he would take all free kicks (except ones that can't be scored from, Silva would get them) and penalties (even if Mario has a better conversion rate). It would basically become "Cristiano Ronaldo's Manchester City", because if the world's biggest club can't avoid the phenomenon where amazing players like Ozil, Higuain, Di Maria, and Benzema are the supporting cast, City can't either.

There are pros and cons for Ronaldo coming, if people think it would all be great because of his quality, they are wrong. But if people think he would be Tevez mkII, they are also wrong as he isn't mentally unstable like Tevez and would not create the problems (homesick, family don't like it here, two restaurants, etc.).
No doubt he is a world class player with his assists and goals etc but I wouldn't want to see us pay that much for one player with the wages he'd be on. I'd much prefer to see Angel Di Maria who would be my dream signing. More of a team player & doesn't come with the ego that Ronaldo would!

Thing is, if Mansour & Khaldoon want him here then make no mistake about it they'll move heaven and earth to get their man! Our owners don't concede defeat lightly!

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