Rory Delap's throw ins......

manchester blue said:
I don't think some blues would be that bothered about Delap's throw ins if we could defend them but we can't as we've proved in the last two games. It's in the rules so it's not up for debate. Teams will gain an advantage and play however they can with the staff at their disposal. Rather like when we had Stuart Pearce.

As for Bellamy being a diver I don't think that's in his game but Adebayor could certainly try to stand on his feet more. Diving hasn't been the City way in general aside from a certain player who also played for Derby, not Kinky!

Lee Croft is not a diver! ;)
Dont give any throwins away!!

Did not notice one long throw in the Portsmouth V Stoke match!!

Maybe Portsmouth didnt give many away!!
Tricky_Rici said:
mcfc_die_hard said:
omg dont be silly how do we cheat?! you play the most discusting football since allardice at bolton

Thanks mate. That's the most credit somebody's given us in ages. Normally it's Wimbledon. Are you suggesting it's cheating though? ;-)

Fuller does have his moments, i can admit that, but he's not that bad. One swallow doesn't make a summer though and the rest of our team don't do it as it's not Pulis' style. Trying to get Fuller to do as he's told is practically impossible though and i think he's given up trying. ;D

Don't try and tell me that Adebayor and Bellamy are angels though and i'd say they are both worse than Fuller. I did say "the big boys" though and not specifically you so it was more of a general comment about how the further up the league you go you will generally get more pansies who throw themselves to the ground and feign injury. That's a damn sight more annoying than a team that has a long throw surely? I will grant you that you're nowhere near as bad as the Arsenals, Chelseas and Liverpools of this world. I'll let your neighbours off this time though as now Ronaldo's gone they do seem to have cleaned up their act a bit.

You will be shocked to hear that Bellamy has only been sent off once in something like 9 seasons and he should never have gone that day!(away to Bolton)
lloydie said:
Tricky_Rici said:
Yet again my Bellamy response was just a direct answer and a bit of banter to the Jug eared one about Delap which was hardly elegant now was it? I even put a big smiley face on the end of it to show you i was only joking. Not sure what else i can do really. My argument hasn't been inconsistent though i don't think. If you skip passed the "banter" on both sides all i said is Rory's throws aren't more annoying than watching a bunch of divers surely? If it helps, try and imagine you don't have any (and after Bellamy and Adebayor i don't think you do, although Richards had a good go last week) and i'm talking about the likes of say Eduardo, Drogba and Gerrard. Which pisses you off more? Cheating has to be the scurge of the game at the minute surely and on the odd occasion Fuller does do it it embarasses me massively as it's not in the spirit of the game in my opinion.

Yes it's obvious nobody likes us and as you become more successful (as you will do) you'll find a lot less people like you either as you have all this money. In my opinion, good luck to you, all the others have bought it before you so why shouldn't you have your day in the sun. You'll find though as more and more jealous people do dislike you that will develop a siege mentality like we have and i'm sure you'll revel in it aswell as so you should.

Get a grip mate, banter both ways, just stop bleating when you get it back, surely you don't believe that sticking a smiley on the end of a post exonerates you from anything and if you can't spot a bit of banter without one on the end of mine, then tough! Just to put you right and to keep on implying we cheat,your reference to the big boys etc, then you said you hadn't said it!! ...where are the examples of Bellamy cheating, he is quite clearly an honest player on the pitch and he and we have suffered for it this season mostly because you and others don't like him gobbing off, give me someone who is passionate and says what he thinks rather than some sneaky twat who cynically goes out to provoke a reaction anyday. I have no problem with you not being liked and defend your right to feel aggrieved at this, play to your strengths by all means but there's no denying it's unpleasant. You quite rightly laud your players for playing to the rules, but there's a limit where pure legality is pushed and this is not Rugby Union where it's only morally wrong when the ref says so, you keep kicking players from behind and otherwise until you provoke a reaction and gain an advantage doing so, we've seen it against you too many times not to be wise about it, shame the Ref's aren't so quick on the uptake. It may be affective but we don't have to like it even if you have to persuade yourself there's nothing wrong with it. West Ham, Reading, ourselves under KK have proved you don't have to play that way to survive in the prem. Oh, and yes, once again I am not having a go at you feeling under siege, we do too at times, and it's perfectly understandable, as is why! your case shit football, in ours' jealousy ;-D ( hope the emoticon helps! )

It is banter both ways mate. I've got no problem with and i don't remember bleating anywhere did I? If you think i got upset about somebody calling Rory a jug-eared twat you've got it wrong, i laughed at it and then responded in kind with a similar retort didn't i? That's what fans of opposing teams do i thought. I've also got no grievance about not being liked. It's good fun and develops a siege mentality and as i said somewhere else as you become more and more successful your detractors will increase and you'll develop much of the same i think, just like Chelsea did. You'll enjoy it too. ;-)

As for Bellamy, i take your points on board and fair play to you they all might be true. No i can't remember specific incidents but he's been in the top league for a long time and i've definitely seen him go down easy on quite a few occasions. Is there a lot worse out there? Absolutely. When somebody is as annoying as Bellamy though you do always look for the tiniest things to beat them up with as i'm sure you would do to somebody like Gary Neville who i see in a similar light. Tell me you had lots of respect for him before he joined you though and i think you'd probably be telling big porkies. Would i change my opinion on him if we suddenly managed to sign him tomorrow? Probably yes. ;-D
Hey stoke fan, an honest question for you.
Do you think that Delap should be allowed to have a towel delivered to him for throw ins ?
Or, should he use his shirt like everyone else.
Barcon said:
Hey stoke fan, an honest question for you.
Do you think that Delap should be allowed to have a towel delivered to him for throw ins ?
Or, should he use his shirt like everyone else.

Personally i hate the fucking towel mate but i seem to be in the minority of our fans. It's takes too long and i find it very embarassing and just another stick to beat us with.
Barcon said:
Hey stoke fan, an honest question for you.
Do you think that Delap should be allowed to have a towel delivered to him for throw ins ?
Or, should he use his shirt like everyone else.

it's a towel for fuck sake, it doesn't matter, he is still going to launch the ball in. It's not like it's a secret weapon towel with a coded message on it to tell him to throw it long.

edit... imagine Pulis' note... ps Rory, throw it in their box.. Love Tony X

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