Roy Keane (again)

He's a sad bitter ****, even the rag's have no time for him these days.

He said Hughes and Bruce werent successful managers either whilst he spent alot more than they have a bottled it before he nearly took them down.
AIQ88 said:
KenTheLandlord said:
He is called a pikey because he acts like one.
Freddie Eastwood is a pikey and he is Welsh, from Southend. Neither of which are in Ireland.

From the English "turnpike", the place where itinerent travellers and thieves would camp near a settlement.

Pikey is not a racial group, the term is used to describe anyone who lives in a caravan or shares the same values and "culture" of "the travelling community", and whose main sources of income are as follows:

Stealing cars, flogging roses in pubs for "childrens' charities", nicking lead off roofs, burgling garden sheds, blagging entry to old peoples house to rob them, doing dodgy tarmac jobs ("we've got some black stuff left over from a job up the road"), sometimes with mint imperials used as a substitute for white chippings, or, reportedly, using snow to lay slabs on when the sand ran out, stealing your bollocks if they weren't in a bag and anything else that's not nailed down and anything that is nailed down but will fit in the back of an untaxed Transit when nobody's looking.
Wrong. Thats the tories.
AIQ88 said:
KenTheLandlord said:
He is called a pikey because he acts like one.
Freddie Eastwood is a pikey and he is Welsh, from Southend. Neither of which are in Ireland.

From the English "turnpike", the place where itinerent travellers and thieves would camp near a settlement.

Pikey is not a racial group, the term is used to describe anyone who lives in a caravan or shares the same values and "culture" of "the travelling community", and whose main sources of income are as follows:

Stealing cars, flogging roses in pubs for "childrens' charities", nicking lead off roofs, burgling garden sheds, blagging entry to old peoples house to rob them, doing dodgy tarmac jobs ("we've got some black stuff left over from a job up the road"), sometimes with mint imperials used as a substitute for white chippings, or, reportedly, using snow to lay slabs on when the sand ran out, stealing your bollocks if they weren't in a bag and anything else that's not nailed down and anything that is nailed down but will fit in the back of an untaxed Transit when nobody's looking.

You forgot about Plasma tv's at petrol stations old bean.:)
He's like a car crash, no one likes it, but we all slow down and look. It's a great place for him to be though, it's a twat of a place to get to, their fans are dicks and with Keane in change it will be a very long time before we are making that trip again(watch us draw them in the cup!).
cant believe keane is showing his fall into insanity in front of the camera's, cant wait to see next weeks installment, it could be anything, he mite come out wearing a frock and demand to be called royetta or something.
Lomas has a lob on said:
cant believe keane is showing his fall into insanity in front of the camera's, cant wait to see next weeks installment, it could be anything, he mite come out wearing a frock and demand to be called royetta or something.
I agree it's must see TV ;-)
Fucking hell some people live to get on their high horse and make an issue out of something that is not even there.They must be the same kind of sad twats who complained about Russell Brand without even listenng to the show.Why not just call him a twat or bastard then?Well what if it offends all the bastards out there.Ffs it's Friday afternoon do the PC bridgade never take any time off!

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