Rubbish nicknames for other players/teams/stadiums

I use some of them because they are quicker to type particularly if using a phone.
Peg suits the man down to a tee, is much quicker to type than Mourinho and I refuse to call him Mou.
The same goes for GPC for a man I detest and I completely refuse to use any honorary name for him.
Nicknames and misspelling words are different things, don't mind a good nickname, ie PEG. Can't stand misspelling words like emptihad, I take posters that do that less seriously, especially in off topic political threads stuff like remoaners Tony Bliar, just makes me disregard a post.
What next?

Auto correcting pore speeling, puncturation, and pore grammer?

Come on @Ric , If you're going to fix one set of circumcises, fix 'em all, and have a totally sanitised forum. We'll all be the better for it.

You know it makes sense.

I think @Ric had been on the beer when he started this thread


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