Rule Britannia

The Cure did a song called “Killing An Arab”.

Serge Gainsbourg did a song with his daughter which was all about incest. Very weird song, worrying to a degree. But instantly forgettable and if some people like the song, then let them enjoy it.
Am I right in thinking that 'Killing an Arab' was inspired by Camus' The Outsider?

When it comes to Gainsbourg's Lemon Incest, Mick Harvey (formerly of Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds) does an excellent version of that song.

Harvey has released 4 albums of Gainsbourg covers, which I am grateful for as I don't speak a word of French. The first - Intoxicated Man - is very good indeed.

With regard to Jerusalem (mentioned a few times in this thread), it's possibly quite a subversive song.

First of all, as far as I know, the 'Satanic Mills' might actually be the churches, which were colluding in the oppression of those who had to work in the actual mills. Although this may seem like something of a stretch, Blake was apparently unimpressed with the Christianity of his day and may have favoured a 'green and pleasant land' based on free love.

This possibility emerges in the third and fourth stanzas, which are full of what appears to be sexual imagery:

Bring me my Bow of burning gold:
Bring me my arrows of desire:
Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold!
Bring me my Chariot of fire!

I will not cease from Mental Fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand

All this was explained to me by an English teacher I used to work with. He went to Oxford and was a serious devotee of both Blake and Shakespeare, so his interpretation is probably quite plausible.

Of course, Mark E. Smith was a huge admirer of Blake, and named The Fall after another Camus novel.

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The British empire nothing to be proud of. Invade poor countries who cant defend themselves, then enslave them and kill/torture a lot of them.

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