Well-Known Member
Don't run in new trainers, they will tear your feet to shreds, I used to Vaseline my feet beforehand and hardly ever got blisters, inside the thighs too, beware of nipple rash ;-) seriously I used to put plasters on mine after some horrible nipple sores...! Stop at every single water station without fail, whether you are thirsty or not, drink it, don't pour it on your head, use the sponges for that..! Start slow and don't get caught up with anyone else's pace, that crippled me on more than one occasion, running faster than I wanted or was capable of, its easily done, just run to your pre arranged mile times on your watch and stick to it..!
"Stop at every single water station without fail, whether you are thirsty or not, drink it, don't pour it on your head."
That's absolute nonsense. You should be properly hydrated before you start and shouldn't immediately need to down a cup/bottle of water whenever offered. Drink when you feel the need to, not because it's there. Listen to your body.