Running thread

Parkrun 100 completed at Keswick, in 30:14. Two 5km runs during the week too. I'll try and run around Derwentwater one morning this week, as this has become customary.
Dorking Trail (Surrey hills) Half Marathon tomorrow, hoping the weather ‘improves’ as it is far too hot at the minute.

All week my running has been off, so not expecting a good race. Legs felt like lead weights at run club on Tuesday so day off Wednesday and then on Thursday had to stop on a 10k when trying to record a time 2 mins slower than I completed two weeks earlier.

It is what it is.
Good luck mate
Don’t get caught up with all the excitement at the start, just go out at your own pace. Once you spend your energy you can’t really get it back.
Piffle Paffle!!
My advice would be to fuck your goal pace off for as long as you can at the start and run like your being chased by a pack of hungry wolves, then whenever your ready to throw up(usually after about 1or 2k) remember that you had a pace goal and try to hold on for the remaining 5 miles without jacking it in and throwing your running shoes in the nearest bin
Don’t get caught up with all the excitement at the start, just go out at your own pace. Once you spend your energy you can’t really get it back.
Where is the fun in not completely destroying yourself?? Go fast, get yourself in the pain cave as soon as possible and then suffer for the remaining 40 minutes.

Then let yourself go and celebrate with a couple of celery and carrot sticks.
Where is the fun in not completely destroying yourself?? Go fast, get yourself in the pain cave as soon as possible and then suffer for the remaining 40 minutes.

Then let yourself go and celebrate with a couple of celery and carrot sticks.
A good cheese and pineapple hedgehog pisses all over your poxy celery and carrot sticks
Piffle Paffle!!
My advice would be to fuck your goal pace off for as long as you can at the start and run like your being chased by a pack of hungry wolves, then whenever your ready to throw up(usually after about 1or 2k) remember that you had a pace goal and try to hold on for the remaining 5 miles without jacking it in and throwing your running shoes in the nearest bin
You joke but I didn't think there was a competitive bone in my body until recently embarking on my running adventure at the ripe old age of... (coughs loudly). Now, each time I line up for a run - regardless of whether it's a deadly serious 15k fell race (last Thursday evening) or the local Parkrun (this morning) - a competitive gene kicks in and any pre-race planning goes out the window! Pacing? Ha! That's for wimps.
You joke but I didn't think there was a competitive bone in my body until recently embarking on my running adventure at the ripe old age of... (coughs loudly). Now, each time I line up for a run - regardless of whether it's a deadly serious 15k fell race (last Thursday evening) or the local Parkrun (this morning) - a competitive gene kicks in and any pre-race planning goes out the window! Pacing? Ha! That's for wimps.
That's the spirit, non of this namby pamby parkrun isn't a race bollocks, go hard or go home
A good cheese and pineapple hedgehog pisses all over your poxy celery and carrot sticks
The original advice was for me. I've never eaten salad or veg in my life. Cheese makes me projectile vomit. I only do fasted runs. Easy first thing in the morning. Harder on my Wednesday Friday 6pm runs

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