Russian invasion of Ukraine

Not for the faint hearted....

A delivery driver who I'd not seen for a couple of months came into my work today. He said he had been in Ukraine fighting (he is ex forces about 30 yrs old). His exact words were that is horrific. He was put with a unit of Ukrainian special forces. 7 out of the 10 in his unit were killed. He said the Russian soldiers are mainly 18 to 20 years old and badly equipped. He spent most of his time moving positions to avoid artillery as the Russians were using drones (like in the video) to pin point their location and strike,
He was offered a lot of money to return but said there is no way he would go back,
Keep it up ukraine , hope i spell this right ..

Slava ukraine

Slowly dropping off the news , esp in the uk and the yanks as domestic matters heat up
I thought the UKraine’s Eurovision Song Contest entry had been all over the news, all day

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