Russian invasion of Ukraine

I appreciate its easier said than done, when not living in that society and after being indoctrinated from birth as to who is right and who is wrong, but I do feel some sympathy for (perhaps) the majority of the population in that they have been blinkered for so long as to the realities of the modern world.
The fact that they have been fed the line of "denazifying Ukraine" when they should perhaps take a look closer to home.
I'm sure I have read many times the line of "but I didnt know / didnt realise" about events some 80 years ago.
Some very interesting points bring raised by army personnel.

'here is what im seeing. this is basic math and open source reporting so im keeping opsec. UKR army has built at least 3 battle groups. each about the size of a US division (3-4 brigades with attached elements working together).
The VAST majority of the vehicles are wheeled vehicles. this seems to be built like the US 9th infantry div (1985-91) truly motorized divisions. the makeup is infantry transports (HMMWVs, pick ups), scout. dune buggies FASTVs, and backed up by MRAPS, BTRs... with tanks attached. This allows the ukr forces to move fast hit hard and hold with dismounted ATGMs. the russian army with "death before dismount mentality has no way to counter this. as they are sending reinforcements into the battle they are hitting ambushes and counter attacks prior to deploying.
I'm betting that the ukr army has made 3 battle groups. one that hit kherson, one that hit the north, and one that has not been played yet. If you are battletracker (i am) you count vehicles by TO&E (donated, sold vehicles) and look for them in combat as BDA. sofar many of some types of vehicles donated HAVE NOT shown up on the battlefield, yet.
If my numbers are right only about 1/2 of the new "secret" army has been used. this means another strike is coming....soon... and just like the north strike this will be too fast for the ru forces to counter'
Sounds good, hope you're right and all works out. this whole war scenario been a question of ' come into my web said the spider to the fly..' ??
I appreciate its easier said than done, when not living in that society and after being indoctrinated from birth as to who is right and who is wrong, but I do feel some sympathy for (perhaps) the majority of the population in that they have been blinkered for so long as to the realities of the modern world.
The fact that they have been fed the line of "denazifying Ukraine" when they should perhaps take a look closer to home.
I'm sure I have read many times the line of "but I didnt know / didnt realise" about events some 80 years ago.
Yeah it will happen again and again unless Homo sapiens agree to install free media everywhere as a fundamental right and necessity.
Yeah it will happen again and again unless Homo sapiens agree to install free media everywhere as a fundamental right and necessity.
Sadly, money talks and so free media isn't a given. However much it would benefit us. We, as individuals probably rank the following, in differing orders, if asked:

Rupert Murdoch (Fox News and The Sun)
Lord Dacre (Daily Mail)
Lebedev (Evening Standard - a publication which gets thinner by the day)
The Chinese Communist Party
Putin's Stooges (Does Pravda still exist?)
The American Internet "cartel" (Facebook, Twitter at al)

Apologies for any spelling mistakes or errors. I have a (fantastic) cat which insists on having an input into all that I do via strolling across my keyboard. We all have our critics and censors!!

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