Russian invasion of Ukraine

Speaking as a father of 2 sons, it's heart wrenching these ordinary people are losing their beloved sons because of 1 fucking war mongering lunatic. The thought of losing my sons makes me shudder.

I’m sure you’ve raised your sons to be decent folk. Not rapists and murderers, these are personal choices. I don’t have any sympathy for the cunts
i remember reading/watching a moving map of the estimated fallout and some few days after a full scale attack those islands were covered, i'd imagine a lot of spanish nationals from the mainland would seek shelter there, then there was the problem of food if they escaped the fallout, i think New Zealand came out tops

New Zealand? Think I’d rather fry ;)
I would love to ask just one question of Putin.

If the Referendum's (lets face it they could stuff this up - they have stuffed everything else up in Ukraine) held in the Ukrainian occupied oblast's come back as wanting to stay with Ukraine will you withdraw all military from that Oblast? think not...
I strongly doubt that these referendums will result in anything other than a comprehensive vote to be Russian - no matter what percentage vote to remain Ukrainian
Interesting take on Russia’s 300,000 CONscripts by a retired American General. States in will be another disaster for Putin and Russia. Well with watching.

CNN do some really good interviews with retired American Generals and war experts. As well as reports on the war. Well worth checking on a daily basis.


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