Russian invasion of Ukraine

From the Guardian - russians are making it up as they go along, the more they call up the better as then the spineless twats can finally put their vodka bottle down and go and protest on the streets :-

Putin to order one million Russians to fight in Ukraine – report​

One million Russian citizens could be called up to fight in the war in Ukraine as part of Vladimir Putin’s mobilisation drive, according to a report by a Russian newspaper.

In a televised address to the nation on Wednesday, the Russian president said military service would only apply to “citizens who are currently in the reserve, especially those who have served in the armed forces, have certain military professions and relevant experience”.

Shortly after Putin’s announcement, the country’s defence ministry Sergei Shoigu said 300,000 Russians would be called up as part of the mobilisation that will apply to “those with previous military experience”.

“These are not people who’ve never seen or heard anything about the army,” he said, adding that students can “keep going to class”.

But Novaya Gazeta, an independent Russian newspaper operating in exile, has quoted an unnamed official in Putin’s government as saying that the real plan is to call up one million people.

The source told the newspaper that a classified seventh paragraph of the decree, signed by Putin on Wednesday, allows the Russian defence ministry to call up one million people.

The source said:

The figure was corrected several times, and in the end, they settled on a million.
The reason for Putin's insanity is simply because he is a small person. His height breeds an inferiority complex and he is looked down upon by all his military advisors. He doesn't like tall people telling him what he can or can't do so he launches these wars just to prove his power. Like any other coward, when it all goes wrong, he will not accept blame and if he can't pass the buck he will just take everyone down with him. Hence nuclear war threats.
Yesterday at the UN meeting the news was that sanctions were going to be stepped-up against Russia. FFS, why aren’t they at the most severe already? Stop fucking pussy-footing about and shut the door completely on everything to do with Russia now - including their citizens competing in sports - any sports. Isolate the fuckers completely even if we have to ‘suffer’ a bit, it’s a small price to pay compared to the proper suffering going on in Eastern Ukraine.
The reason for Putin's insanity is simply because he is a small person. His height breeds an inferiority complex and he is looked down upon by all his military advisors. He doesn't like tall people telling him what he can or can't do so he launches these wars just to prove his power. Like any other coward, when it all goes wrong, he will not accept blame and if he can't pass the buck he will just take everyone down with him. Hence nuclear war threats.
Ronnie Corbett was the same he used to shit in John Cleese dressing room.
Protests on the streets of Moscow, brave people. Perhaps they should only send out women and elderly - younger men arrested may be forced to enlist. Really, it doesn't sound very clever for morale, having anti-war activists - who willingly risked their freedom to protest - in your ranks.
They might turn their weapons on the officers, or more likely desert.
My wife is currently in Russia visiting her family. She tells me that in Moscow life is as usual, nearly all the Western stores are closed and they cannot get luxury goods like Western perfume, mobiles etc.
She is now in her home town, about 2 hours flight from Moscow, she tells me the mood has changed recently after the bodies of young soldiers have started to return home, she was in the cemetery 3 days ago to visit her relatives and was shocked by the number of new graves with ruSSian flags flying over them (a sign of a soldiers grave) they had a look and were shocked at the ages of the guys.
The mobilisation call yesterday did not make the locals happy at all, they were shocked and saddened that more of their people will be sent to a senseless war that nobody wants but are not allowed to say they do not support it.
I hope she is safe and returns home on schedule.
Here's where you should live if World War III happens
Indy100 Staff • 1d

It is “possible” that Russia could launch nuclear missiles at London, a former adviser to Russian President Vladimir Putin has claimed.

On whether nuclear missiles could come to London, Russian political scientist Sergei Markov claimed on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme “yes, it is possible”.

He said the situation could be created “if Great Britain continue to be aggressor against Russia, if Prime Minister of Great Britain Liz Truss still has plans to destroy Russia”.

He added: “People in London should understand that this threat comes from Liz Truss, who is the aggressor. Stop the war against Russia on the Ukrainian territory.”

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In light of that, we’ve collected a list of ten countries you should probably high tail it to if a third world war was to break out.

We’ve based them on the Global Peace Index 2017, and a video which you can see below, that resurfaced online about the best countries to be in a WW3 situation.

Here's the top ten counties:

10. Ireland

Ireland practises military neutrality, and has been internationally neutral since the 1930s. If WW3 does break, it will probably keep that neutrality.

9. Switzerland

Switzerland has the oldest history of military neutrality, established during the Treaty of Paris in 1815. They have not participated in a foreign war since then. Its mountains are also fortified against foreign invasion, making it an ideal place to stow away in the event of a world war.

8. Slovenia

When it comes to self-sustainability, Slovenia’s developing thermal, solar and hydroelectric power sources mean that if there is an international conflict, they don’t need to rely on another country for energy. Coupled with the fact that they largely managed to stay out of both WW1 and WW2, we can only assume they’ll continue this isolationist behaviour and steer clear of global conflicts.

7. Fiji

An island in the south pacific ocean, Fiji is geographically in an isolated, and therefore fairly safe place. It isn’t landlocked, and the government has traditionally kept out of global conflicts.

6. Denmark

Denmark is an outlier in this list: though it may get dragged in to a war via their status in the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (on the side of Europe), it has a trump card: Greenland. The region is non-politically unaligned and fairly remote.

5. Austria

Austria ranks 4th out of 163 countries on the Global Peace Index 2017. If that isn't enough to entice you, note that in the areas of conflict, militarisation and society and security, it scored below 1.5 out of five.

4. Portugal

Coming in at third in the Global Peace Index, Portugal has become, according to Politico, an “oasis of stability”.

Far-right populism, which is sweeping across Europe, remains largely absent in the country and they have kept out of most conflicts since the WW2, making them stable internally and externally.

3. New Zealand

One of the best things going for this country is its commitment to self-sustenance: it gets over half of its electricity from hydroelectric power, and has fertile land, making crop production possible in the event that they’re cut off from the rest of the world.

As well as its remote location, New Zealand is a solid choice for a home in the event of a world war.

2. Canada

Canada is the 8th most peaceful country in the world according to the Global Peace Index 2017. It scored a 1.1 out of five for domestic and international conflict, making it one of the least involved countries when it comes to war.

1. Iceland

Iceland scored a one on the Global Peace Index, making it the most peaceful country in the world.

In addition, the country is geographically far away from powers involved in global conflict (such as America, North Korea, Russia and Iran), making it the best hiding place.

Additional reporting from PA.

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I will opt for Fiji please.
The reason for Putin's insanity is simply because he is a small person. His height breeds an inferiority complex and he is looked down upon by all his military advisors. He doesn't like tall people telling him what he can or can't do so he launches these wars just to prove his power. Like any other coward, when it all goes wrong, he will not accept blame and if he can't pass the buck he will just take everyone down with him. Hence nuclear war threats.

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